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so i'm helpless to you?

It had been a couple days since we met Mr. Tibbles, the owner of Hendrix hockey apparel, who wanted my team to be the new team USA.

Three days from now we would be meeting our new additions to the team. I was excited to have new players and their special skills, as for the rest of my team, they were not.

I got up tiredly for school and began to get dressed. I put on a white long sleeve under shirt, my black led zeppelin shirt over that, and some black leggings.

As i took my usual spot next to Connie i kept repeating reassuring words in my head, 'just a few more days until hockey time, a little more than a week for cali.'

After school Connie had wanted to go to the mall again. So hesitantly i went with her, she claimed she needed clothes for the trip but i've seen her closest i think she's set.

After what felt like an eternity of shopping, we made our way over to the food court, to please me of course. Although this time, i did buy a few things.

Connie took a seat at a table as i went to one of the fast food joints to gets us a basket of fries.

As i walked back over towards Connie i saw two boys talking to her as she looked very uncomfortable. My pace quickened as i saw her shift uncomfortably and try to ignore them.

Once i got there i realized why she was so bothered, they had been flirting with her. Don't get me wrong Connie is an absolute beast on the ice but off the ice she wouldn't hurt a fly. Me on the other hand, i'm the same on and off the ice, they definitely chose the wrong girl to flirt with because her best friend happens to be a psycho.

"Excuse me can i help you?" i say as i place the fries on the table and face the boys.

"You could help me in a lot of ways," the blond boy said smugly. I roll my eyes as the blond approaches me. He stands very close as he begins to speak again, "this is perfect, two pretty girls and us two guys," he says while gesturing to him and his brunette friend.

"Well i'm sorry to tell this to you boys but she has a boyfriend and is very much in love," i say as i gesture to Connie who still looks very uncomfortable.

"Ah well that's too bad maybe we could just share you," the brunette begins to walk over getting close to me as well. I hold my stance as i directly meet there eyes, "i suggest you back away from me," i say with a stern tone.

"Ooh we're so scared! What are you going to do to us! Have a little kitty fight?" the blond says as whispers the last part in my ear.

They both begin to get very close, whispering in my ear and touching my face and hair. "I warned you." i whispered as punch the blonde across the face and punch the brunette in the gut.

They both double over shocked from what i had done. I stared down at them, "I don't do kitty fights."

The blonde got furious with a look of pure anger, he ran over and tackled me to the ground with a quick blow to the face. I hear Connie scream as i hear an unfamiliar voice yell, "Hey!"

He had my arms pinned down as i tried to kick him with my legs just to be free. He didn't let up.

"Not so tough now, are you?" He smiled as i felt my nose begin to throb.

He lifted his hand up once more before the blonde is lifted off of me and slammed into the ground. "You better run before i beat the shit out of you!" i hear an unfamiliar voice scream. I hear the whimpers of two boys as they quickly get to there feet and run away.

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