Chapter 17

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"I've had a lot of big distractions since i've been here in L.A."

"This is a distraction... this is a fire in a barrel.... this is a distraction in a fire in a barrel. Any questions?"

The team whooped in cheered as coach placed a card board cut out of him in the barrel full of fire. We watched the fake coach bombay burn as we clapped and exchanged encouraged words to each other.

"Now there is the Bombay we know in love," Charlie said turning to me. I've caught on to how he likes to clarify things for me. Every time someone acts like them self or recounts a memory, Charlie is always there to tell me more into depth about it. I think it was his way of hoping that something would jog my memory, but it never did.

I smiled brightly towards my twins saddened face. I wish i could remember, not only for myself but for him. "I bet he was great Char," i say as i loop my arm with his and snuggle into his side.

Once our team meeting was over and coach bombay had disintegrated, we had gone our separate ways to enjoy the rest of this beautiful Sunday.

"Hey you!" Luis says excitedly as he makes his way towards me grabbing my hand and giving a small kiss on my cheek.

"Hiya handsome!" i reply while swinging our hands back and forth as we walk.

"Are you busy right now?" he asks me shyly. "Nope! Did you have something in mind?"

"Hmm... how could i please Kendall Conway?" he says, thinking aloud to himself. He looked extremely cute today, who looks good in a track suit? Luis Mendoza, that's who.

"Oh! I got it! How about some lunch?" he smiles at me as i begin to blush. "Luis Mendoza, the boy who knows the secret to every girls heart.... food!"

We both begin to laugh as we head over to the common area which was open to all countries who were here. They had food, games, and hang out areas where anyone could just chill in.

"What's on the menu today?" i ask Luis as he looks over the list. "Corn dogs or stuffed crust pizza?"

"Is that even a choice... stuffed crust pizza obviously!" i shout as he chuckles at me, "wise decision miss conway."

"You can't give me too much credit... i just have common sense." He pays for the both of our food as we head to a deserted table where we could be alone.

After lots of conversation and our meal almost being gone, Luis leaves to use the bathroom.

I begin to finish the rest of the stuffed crust part of the pizza as a body pops out in front of me. I jump a little from being startled as Adam Banks takes the seat that Luis was sitting in.

"This seat taken?" he asks innocently.

"Yes, actually!" i scoff at him as he acted like he had no clue.

"Oh bummer! You know the chair just looked so lonely, craving for someone to sit in it. So my butt just had to fulfill this chair's wishes!" I give him an unimpressed look, "wow Adam! Have you always been this dramatic?"

"I'm not dramatic! You just hurt my feelings Kendall! Say your sorry right now!" His lips formed a pout as he crosses his arms across his body. "Well the boy who is dramatic, you've just met your match, the girl who is stubborn," i say as a smirk pulls across my face.

"Hmm i guess we're meant to be then!" he exclaims as he moves his face closer to mine. I instinctively move my face towards him, we stop inches away from each other. I analyze all the beautiful features his face holds as he does the same to mine.

He looks down towards my lips and begins to bite his lip looking like he is holding himself back from something.

"Ehem! Adam lets go!" we break away from each other as i look over to see Julie with an annoyed look. Then i remembered, Adam and I aren't a thing. We weren't meant for each other and my mind is just playing cruel games.

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