Chapter 26

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Once we were all ready we made our way to the boats. The Banks' family had been kind enough to rent us two big pontoon boats for our team. The whole team was practically skipping from excitement. Me and Charlie had probably been the most excited since we've never even been on a boat before.

As per usual, i followed Charlie onto a boat, disregarding anyone else that might be on the boat. Before I could even step onto the boat i felt a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from moving any further.

I looked up to be met with blue eyes. Not the ones i had been hoping for.

"Sorry no Kendall Conway's allowed on this pontoon. You can try the other!" he says while gesturing to the boat next to us.

"Real mature Jack. Come on just let me on," i say while sending a glare his way.

"Hmm, you see i would but i have strict orders not to. So as you see this leaves me in a predicament!" he shrugs his shoulders with no remorse in his eyes.

"Whose orders?"

"My co captain! You might know him! He goes by the name of Adam Banks." My eyes shoot over to the blonde already onboard. His sad eyes meet mine. I give him a look as to say 'really?' all he does is look down at his feet not meeting my eyes any longer.

I huff out an annoyed sigh, "fine! Charlie lets go!" I know it was a salty move but i wanted to be with my brother, he's the person i go to when i need comfort. Plus we do everything together and i wanted this to be a first time experience we could do together. It has nothing to do with Charlie being Adam's best friend... maybe.

"Charlie! Stay!" Adam calls out to him. Charlie looks in between me and Adam, the struggle of having to choose evident in his eyes. I stood there shocked, he actually had to think about his answer, i mean hello twin sister right here! Best friends since birth!

He sighed as he looked over to Adam, "sorry bud! Twin over everything!" Charlie answered as he sent a salute towards Adam and hopped off the boat.

"I'm insulted!" i shouted at him as we made our way towards the second boat. "What! I chose you didn't I!"

"You had to think about it!"

"Jeez! I paused for a few seconds because the awkwardness of the situation! Sorry, it will never happen again!" I rolled my eyes as i kept my arms folded across my body.

As we hopped onto the boat Charlie whispered to me, "what happened between you two anyways?"

"Aye! Kendall!" I hear as Dean swings his arm around my shoulders and leads me over to sit with him. Saved by the yell!

"Oh i love you Dean!" i yelled as i let a laugh escape from me. "Yeah, most do," he replied with a smug look on his face. "Oop, i better stop talking to you before i boost your ego even more!" He gave a sarcastic laugh as he took my head around his arm and rubbed my head like crazy, making my hair all messed up.

"You better stop this or soon there will be a man overboard!" I yelled as i fought to be released from his grip. He chuckled as he finally let go of me. I quickly fixed my hair before i could get anymore smart comments.

Once we were settled, we had started to pull away from the dock. I looked around to see who else had made it onto this boat. Mr. and Mrs. Banks had been on this boat and for some reason that left a pit in my stomach. On the boat was also Dean, Charlie, Fulton, Connie, Guy, Kenny, and Julie. Everyone else was on the other, but i was satisfied with our little group we had.

I closed my eyes as we sped across the water. I listened to the motor of the boat against the waves and felt the refreshing breeze blow across my face and through my hair. It felt nice, i felt relaxed. Suddenly the boat stopped, "alright! time for tubing! Who wants to go first?" Mr. Banks shouted with excitement.

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