19--i'm getting closer👀😌--♦

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It's been three days now and I've been hanging around August alot. He seems more comfortable around me now but he still ignores certain questions I ask him but guess what? He has no problem with me playing in his hair. Surprising, right? His hair is really soft and fluffy if only he'd just groom it he'd look way better. We were together under the same tree he would always go to. I was sitting on the grass with his head resting in my lap as I played in his hair. Ok so, he might of gotten too comfortable with me in such a short period of time but I really don't mind. He had his eyes closed, enjoying the fresh breeze. I would have called this situation silent and peaceful if it wasn't suddenly interrupted by someone who I really despise.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the bi*ch and her unlucky man."

I look up and met eyes with Jay. Beside him was Nicolas who seemed to be tagging along with Jay. Still I'm wondering how they get along. As much as I wanted to jump up and hug the silent cinnamon roll, I held myself back.

"What's your problem, bi*th? Jealous?" I smirked at Jay. "Pfft, jealous my ass." He responded.

"So what are you doing here then?"

"Saw something real interesting so I came to take a closer look." He said, staring at my hands playing in August's hair.

"I see you still haven't learnt to mind ya own business and there's nothing interesting about this. I'll play in just about anyone's hair as long as it's soft and fluffy."

He looked at me weirdly. "You're weird as fu*k."

I smiled. "I get that a lot." There was a soft, almost inaudible chuckle, coming from my lap.

"Anyways, haven't you seen enough? You can leave now."

"I need a pic of this rare sight first." Just as Jay was about to pull out his phone, I tapped August's shoulder and he lifted his head from my lap so I could get up. "Oh? Gonna pick a fight now huh?" He left his phone in his pocket completely forgetting about the pic. I guess he was waiting for me to throw the first punch as he stood there staring at me as I stood in front of him, looking straight into his eyes. What I did next was completely unexpected.

I patted his head. I had to tip to do so though cause of his damn height. Didn't even get to give him a full pat as my fingers only reached a small portion of his head. He was thrown off guard though and I had to purse my lips into a tight line to refrain myself from bursting into laughter as I watched his expression. He looked like a confused puppy. An expression I've never seen him wore before. "Does that satisfy you now?" I ask. A small snort accidently escaped and I had to force the smile down. After a few seconds, he finally came to his senses. "HA?! What do you take me as stupid bi*ch?! A fu*king dog?"

"You're completely right." I answered. His eyes flared in anger. I had to dodge a fist he swung at me. "Whoops, watch where you're throwing that." I said, releasing my laughter. When he turned to me, you would not believe what I saw. Pink tinted his cheek and my laugh got even louder. "BAHAHAHAH YOU'RE BLUSHING ARE YOU THAT EMBARRASED??"

"I'm not embarrassed dumb bi*th!" He swung another fist and I dodged again. "Ha missed! My turn!" I swung back a fist at him in his gut. He stopped moving and clutched his stomach. After a while he stood up straight. "So that's how you're playing huh?"

I grinned and made a dart for it. The angry dog chased after me, leaving Nicolas and August under the tree.


Next day, August and I were at our lunch time spot again. "So how do you know Vincent?"

No reply. I sighed, it doesn't seem he's gonna give me a reply anytime soon. I parted my lips to ask if the situation's that bad but he cut me off saying, "Ask Vincent." For the rest of the time he remained silent as I talked. The bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. Vincent got up and started heading inside the building. I trailed along beside him as our next classes were close to each other.

"Y/n?" I recognized the voice and remembered who I shared this block with during this session. Vincent. I mentally face palmed myself. How could you have forgotten that you dummy. I turned around to give him a reply, "Yea?" August also turned around, making me clench my fist. Vincent sent him a glare and walked closer to us. He took my wrist pulling me away. However, someone else took my other wrist, stopping the pull. Vincent turned around to continue his glare at August. "Let her go," he demanded.

"I'm not letting you take her away this time and she also has class right now. Save whatever you want to say after school," August said.

The look on Vincent's face was beyond annoyed. He, however obeyed and released my wrist. "Let's continue this later." and he went off. I looked up at August, quite surprised with what he said. He glanced at me, released my wrist and started walking his way to his class. I pursed my lips. Is Vincent finally gonna tell me what's going on between him and August?


After school, I waited for Vincent at the abandoned garden. He soon arrived, hands in pocket. "Y/n."


"Didn't I tell you to stop hanging around August?"

"Yeah, but if you can't tell me why then I have no reason not to."

He sighed in frustration. "I don't want to tell you this so soon but promise me, Y/n, that you'll start staying away from him after I tell you."

"Okay," I replied, lying straight through my teeth. "I'm serious, Y/n. The way you answered doesn't sound promising at all."

Oof I'm really bad at lying. I sighed. "Ok I promise."

"I'll start now..."

I nodded for him to continue.

"It all happened when we were kids-"


Ok so I haven't updated in 3 months;-; The AUDACITY to bring a boring chapter after so long. Ya'll can start throwing rotten vegetables and fruits now but first let me thank everyone for leaving comments I swear some of them had me on the floor. I'm so greatful for each and every one of them. I promise this time the next chapter will come very soon. By the time you're reading this I'll already be working on the next chapter. Thank you for waiting;-;

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