22--i just wanted to enjoy my bed 🛏️--♦

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I wrapped up in my soft comfortable (f/c) blanket, enjoying the warmth and comfort it provided. Winter was getting closer and the temperature was getting colder. I took up my phone from my night stand and checked the time.

12:32 pm

As usual, on a Saturday, I overslept. I stretched out my stiff bones and looked at my phone again. Well time for games. I rolled onto my side and proceeded to enter one of my favorite games. After some minutes of playing, I yawned, sleep coming back to my eyes. I guess I could take a little more rest. I placed my phone back onto the night stand and turned to my other side. Something brushed against my hand. Lifting my covers, there I saw Elliot's teddy bear. I took it up and stared at it. I keep forgetting to return it to him but it'd be quite embarrassing carrying a teddy in my bag, much less to give it back to him in front of the boys. They'd start having weird ideas. Elliot's also hard to find and we don't share any classes. I sighed. this is gonna be hard but for now-

I hugged to teddy bear tightly to my chest

-I'll just enjoy it's warmth. I closed my eyes, allowing darkness the engulf me.


My eyes instantly flew open. I hadn't even got the chance to turn to see who dared to interrupt my sleep as they had pounced onto me.


I turned my head and my eyes came into contact with bright emerald orbs. "Elliot?!! What are you doing in here?"

He was smiling so brightly I'm surprised I hadn't went blind. "I need your help today."


"I'll tell you on the way there."

On the way there? Wait- don't tell me. "Are you telling me to leave my bed cause if that's the case then I'll have to reject helping you." His smile fell and a frown came. "Pretty pleaseee."

"No, Elliot. Maybe next time." I turned back my head and closed my eyes.

"But I can't wait for a next time," he whined, "I only get this opportunity one time every six months."

"Well, too bad."

"Y/nnnnnn," he whined again. I ignored him.

"Fine, then, I'll just sleep with you."

I laughed inside my head. That won't work. An arm wrapped around me and something tickled my nose. My eyes flew open again. Never had I thought, Elliot would be serious. If anyone else did this, they'd already be sprawled out on the ground outside. The way he lays with me is almost like when a child sleeps with their mother. It was harmless and. . .cute. I sighed and brushed his hair away from my nose. It wouldn't hurt if I at least helped him.

"Alright, Elliot, I'll help you."

He sprang up, the bright smile returning to his face. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Y/n. . ."


"You still hug my teddy. Where you feeling sad?"

"Huh?" I looked down and indeed, I was still hugging the bear. It didn't remain in my arms any longer as it was yeeted away. "Y/n, why would you do that to teddy!??"

"Forget you saw that. That did not happen."


I waved goodbye to Elliot's elder sister as she was the one that would drive Elliot to places he wanted to go. In the car I learnt that their mom works the same place as Aunty and that the two were close friends. So that's how Elliot knew where I lived. I honestly couldn't imagine him stalking me. That'd never happen. He's too innocent. So anyways, back to the present. We were now standing in front of a building.

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