31--i'm finally Nicolas' friend--

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I pulled on a pair of sneakers and was just about to go out when Aunty saw me.

"Where are you going, Y/n dear?"

"Um. . ." I scratched my cheek. "To a friend's house."

Aunty's eyes widened as she quickly walked up closer to me. "Is it the boy next door? Do you perhaps li-"

"No Aunty," I said, immediately cutting her off before she could say the word. Why is she always obsessed to know what my relationship with any boy I hang out is. 

"Oh, my bad."

"I'm heading out now-"

"Wait," Aunty went off into the kitchen. I sighed, Seriously, do I have to carry some kind of food each time I visit someone. She came back with a container of cupcakes. "Aunty I really dont-"

"Take it."

I pulled my lips into a thin line as I took the container from her. She smiled at me and started to push me out, "Now on you go, don't eat them along the way."

I rolled my eyes. "Yea yea Aunty I won't." I walked away from the house as quickly as I could before Aunty could stop me again. I sighed, making my way down the sidewalk. Now, where does he live? I looked around for any signs of Nicolas. Yes, him. After leaving me in shock last night of course I'd try to find him to get some answers. I always thought he was mute but he talked. I thought about all those times I was trying to get him to talk. I paused in my tracks and looked down at the container in my hands. 

Does he not like when I'm around him? Maybe he used to talk a lot with the group before I joined. Maybe he finds me annoying and I'll admit that I can be like that sometimes. Ugh! I hit myself in the head three times to get rid of the thoughts. 

"Miss, are you alright?" I turned to look at the person who spoke. My eyes widened. "Ah-"

"Oh my hi, I didn't noticed it was you. What are you doing around here?" the man said with a smile.

Oh.my.fricking.gosh. What is this pedo doing here?? "Uh. . .you live here?" I asked, silently praying that he'd say no.

"Yes. Right here." He pointed at a house we were standing near to.

Well fu*k that. I turned around to leave but he tried reaching out to me. I skillfully dodged his hand and looked at him. "What is your problem now?"

"I just wanted to know if you live around here?"

I stayed silent for a while, before replying. "No, I'm just here to visit a friend."

He placed his chin between his thumb and index finger. "Hmm. . .I see."

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