32--i think that shouldn't have happened...--

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"Wait. . .why are we here?"

 I asked, turning to the twins. 

"To hang out together of course."

I stared at the scene in front of me. The ocean breeze whipped my hair onto my face as I watched the little kids running around on the sand and making castles. 

"So, Y/n, you know how to swim, right?"

Earlier that day


"Could you chill with the sneezing, I don't wanna catch your cold."

I glared at Mickey. "It's not my fault if you do, you were the one that wanted to play video games with me."

He rolled his eyes, "Yea so?"

I felt another sneeze coming up and I turned towards him. "Ah ah ah"

"Oi oi, what are you doing?" he asked, quickly getting onto his feet. I stood up, walking closer to him. 

He stepped back, "I swear, Y/n if you sneeze on me I will-"



I rubbed my nose, "Ugh. . .sorry."

"You purposely did that!"

I laughed at the reaction on his face. "I'm joking, that was a fake sneeze."

The door behind me opened. I turned to see Aunty entering with a cup of tea in her hand and a medicine. "Y/n dear, drink this peppermint tea to get rid of that cold, after that take the medicine ok?"

I took them from her and gave her my thank you. She left afterwards. I then turned to Mickey. "You take them."

He raised his eyebrows. "You are the one that's having a cold, not me."

"I don't like peppermint tea." I placed them onto the floor and sat down, picking up the console. "Let's just continue our game."

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