24--i don't think i'm normal😕--♦

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Mickey was sitting on the ground.

In a pool of blood.

And two bodies close to him.

I could only stare, speechlessly. He was hugging a body tightly to his chest, mumbling words of apology. And I recognized the pig tail hair. The body he was hugging was of the girl he loved. Then it hit me, earlier he said the girl had asked him out? Did he perhaps misunderstood something?

I took a step forward, "Mickey," I called.

He looked up, with a frightened face.

"Relax it's just me." That didn't seem to do anything as he tensed up more by another step I took. 

"Stay away! Don't come any closer!"

I halted as I noticed him reaching for a hidden knife. Is he really trying that with me too?

"Mickey, calm down. You answered my call right? Didn't you need my help?" I tried reassuring him. He glared at me. "I don't trust you, go away."

I opened my mouth to gain his trust but closed it back and gave him a blank look.  "Ok then, have it your way but what are you gonna do when someone else waltz in and sees you?"

That seem to have shaken him as the frightened expression returned once again.

"N-No I don't w-want that. . ."

"And that's why I'm here dummy. Your sister will help you out of any trouble." I said with a small smile.

This time he hadn't corrected me. His shoulders relaxed and I took this as a cue that I could go closer. When I was close enough, I could see the details of the body. A stab wound was in her neck that dragged all the way to her shoulder. I looked at the other body. Raven hair. The boy that Mickey despised so much. A stab would was on the left side of his chest.

"W-What am I going to do now. . ."

I looked at Mickey when he spoke. That, I have no idea.

Should we make it seem like they committed suicide? Or. . .

I went over to where the school kept it's gardening supplies. The small storage room had two glass doors. I smashed the top door and pulled out a handkerchief I sometimes kept in my pocket. Taking up a piece of sharp glass with the handkerchief I went over to Mickey. 

"Let her lay down on the ground"

He looked at me weirdly. I rolled my eyes. "If you want to get out of trouble listen to me." He did as I said and I placed the piece of glass in her palm. "Now put raven hair next to her."

Mickey hadn't move from where he stood. "What is it now?" I asked, annoyed. "I don't want him near her. I want to burn him instead."

"Are you an idiot?" Why did I ask such an obvious question. "We need to make it seem like she killed herself and the dude. Now let's finish this quickly before someone comes."

After hearing that he quickly pulled raven hair next to pigtails. I told him to make them hold hands and he did it with a sour face. Now that's done I pulled out my pen from my bag and tore a piece of paper out of a book that I hardly use just in case, using the handkerchief to avoid contact with it. I wrote a short note and placed it in the blood on the ground to make it seem like it fell from her. 

"Ok done," I said after putting my stuff back into my bag. I looked at Mickey and nearly faced palmed. I had to do something about the blood on his clothes. I took of my sweater that was around my waist and let him wore it. Of course I had let him wash his hands at the garden pipe before doing so. Now for the pants, I really couldn't do anything about that. The time was getting darker and luckily he was wearing a black one.

"Just stick close behind me and no one will notice." Mickey nodded and soon we were on our way out of the school.

The halls were empty, which I was thankful for. Just as we were about to leave the school, I caught sight of a yawning person. What a good timing. "Louisyyyy!" I called out and started running towards him. He stopped his yawning and looked at me with his usual lazy expression. "Y/n? Why are you still here?"

I ignored his question and went onto mine. "Are you leaving?"


"I need a ride."


Mickey and I made it home without any suspicions from Louis. Aunty was waiting at the doorway for us, worried to death. Whoops, I forgot to text her that we'll be late. She was about to pull Mickey into a hug but I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me. "He really needs a shower first Aunty."

Without a question, she nodded, glad that we were back home. I sent her a smile. "No need to worry Aunty, remember that he has me." I said with a reassuring smile. She wiped a tear and laughed softly. "Yes, of course, how could I have forgotten."

Mickey and I went upstairs and I sighed in relief. For now we're safe, hopefully. 

"Thanks. . . for earlier."

"You owe me a lot for all that sh*t."

I sent him a side glance. "And stop sniffing my sweater like that, you look like a creepy old man."

"I'm not sniffing your sweater." He took it off and threw it at me.

"Hey hey, have some manners, wash it before you return it," I said, throwing it back at him. 

"I didn't ask for it." he threw it again.

"But it was to help you wasn't it." He quickly went into his room and as he was about to close the door, I flung the sweater inside the room. 


I laughed out and ran down the hall to my room. I slowly closed the door behind me and my laugh died down. I leaned on the door and recall what happened earlier. Mickey killed two persons and I helped him plotting it to seem like suicide. Now that I think about it, that's not what a normal human would do. They'd immediately report it but I didn't? I wasn't even fazed by the corpse. What's wrong with me? Am I even normal?

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