I ~ New beginnings

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"Ara I swear to God don't you dare leave me right now" Her best friend laughed as she chased her out of the train compartment.

Arabella Silvers wasn't excited to go into fifth year, nor was she nervous. Nothing much had changed over the summer, or so she thought.

For many of her peers, puberty had not been kind. But God does indeed pick his favourites and there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Arabella Silvers was one of them. You see, to her little had changed. Sure she got a little taller and her boobs had grown a tad. But all in all, nothing jaw-dropping. To everyone else her features had become much more defined, she had grown in all the right places giving her that hourglass figure that so many girls envied. Her body had become more toned. She had gotten hot.

As she entered the great hall with her two best friends, Violet Quill and Liam Burr, all conversations halted and jaws dropped. Girls glared holes into the girl and boys had to close their mouths to stop the pool of drool quickly forming in their mouths.

"Diggory was totally checking you out" Violet spoke smugly as they sat down at the Gryffindor table.

Arabella scoffed in response, "as if, we've never even spoken"

Violet and Liam shared a look, they knew there was no convincing Arabella of her very obvious glow-up over the summer, so they decided to leave it.

Further down along the Gryffindor table, a certain group of boys sat conversing about how on earth they hadn't noticed the girl known as Arabella Silvers before. Sirius had been the first to notice her, staring at her with wide eyes and violently tapping James' arm. Even Remus' eyes had been pulled off the book and instead found their way to the blonde girl.

"Hey, Ara!" Peter yelled down the table

The blonde girl's eyes tore away from Violet and onto whoever called her name. When she saw who called her name, she smiled and waved back.

"Hey, Pete! How was your summer?"

"Not so bad, bought loads of muggle sweets, you should come by and try em' sometime!"

"I would love that" She smiled

And with that, the blonde girl turned her back and returned to her conversation with Violet and Liam. The three other boys sat there dumbfounded at the exchange between their best friend and the mystery girl.

"How the fuck does Peter know her and we don't?!" Sirius whined.

"She's been my potions partner since second year" Peter cluelessly answered

"And you never thought to introduce me?!" James retorted

"Easy Prongs, you got Evans. If anyone should have been introduced it would be me!" Sirius spoke in a 'matter-of-fact' manner.

"you never asked," Peter said innocently

As Remus tuned out the futile argument, a skill he had mastered in his first year, his eyes ventured to the blonde girl. How the fuck did we not notice her before?


As the trio made their way to the Gryffindor common room the boys who call themselves the 'Marauders' surrounded the two girls and boy. Arabella never had a certain problem with them but if there was one thing she did not understand, it was why on earth so many girls were so in love with them. There was no denying their attractiveness but to say she was in love with them would be crossing the line.

"Hey Silvers" Sirius said as he flashed his dashing smile. Arabella ignored him and held up three fingers with a devious smirk playing at her lips "3....2....1"

"wha-" James started but was interrupted by laughter. The Slytherin students' hair had turned bright pink and every time they opened their mouth bubbles came out. James' eyeballs nearly fell out of their sockets. Arabella Silvers was a prankster.

Throughout their time at Hogwarts mysterious pranks had occurred from time to time, but no one quite knew who set them. People would always assume the marauders, but the boys always denied it. They were many things but liars and cheats were definitely not one of them.

"Bye boys" Arabella declared.


Hello, my darlings! Hope you liked my first chapter. I'm pretty shit at writing but I wanted to try it after months of reading fanfic

All my love <3

(727 words)


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