XVIII ~ Good and Bad news

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It was 11

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It was 11.30 am on a Wednesday when Arabella heard of the news. Dorcas had shown up on the Potter doorstep with tears streaming down her face but no words leaving her mouth. In the back of her mind, Arabella knew what had happened. And as much as she didn't want to believe it, Marlene Mckinnon was dead.

"N-no" Arabella stuttered. She walked backward, away from the door, away from Dorcas. James who was standing behind her, held her as she collapsed in his arms. He held her as she cried and screamed for Marlene.

Marlene would never again tease Arabella. Marlene would never again get to hold Dorcas. She would never get to bully Lils for working too hard. Or call Sirius a drama queen. She would never get married. Or have a child with Dorcas. She would never meet Ara's child.

She was gone, just like that. Only the night before had they all been together for drinks at the three broomsticks. Marlene had taken way too many firewhiskey shots to count and was babbling on about the Holyhead harpies. They had all gotten drunk beyond reason, rambling on about what they liked to call "shits and giggles". Marlene took near 14 shots and 10 of them ended up on the pavement outside a couple of hours later.

Still crying uncontrollably, Arabella stood up and went over to where Dorcas was standing. Dorcas was frozen, her eyes trained on something in the distance. Arabella stood in front of her, hands on her shoulders and tears streaming down both of their cheeks. No more than a minute passed before they crumbled into each other's arms.

"h-he killed them. Sh-she was o-only 19" Dorcas wailed into ara's arms.

The two girls remained in that position for at least an hour before James lifted them both off the ground and led them over to the couch where they just sort of sat for the rest of the day.

"If only she could see us now. She would tell us to toughen up and get drunk, or high" Ara chuckled solemnly.

Dorcas joined in and the laughter grew. Pretty soon they were roaring with laughter, just imagining what Marlene would say to them wasting the day away on the couch.

At around 2 am, Dorcas decided she should probably head home. James offered to let her sleep here but she told him that she would be staying with her sister for a bit. She couldn't bear to go back to the house she and Marlene shared.

Arabella had fallen asleep on the couch, she looked so peaceful James almost wanted to leave her there. He took the girl in his arms and placed her gently down in their bed, laying down with her. She snuggled up in his arms and rested her head on his chest.

"oh Ara, everything will be okay my love" he whispered, placing a kiss on the top of her head. James fell asleep with the love of his life in his arms, Marlene's death was a poignant reminder that not only does this blasted war show no mercy but Voldemort is a fucking cunt. It was that night in the middle of London, that James promised himself and Marlene. That his children would not have to face the same worries and responsibilities that he and his friends were burdened with.

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