II~ Potions

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Arabella sat down at the Gryffindor table with Violet and Liam the next morning

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Arabella sat down at the Gryffindor table with Violet and Liam the next morning. The atmosphere was relaxed and laid back. The great hall was bright and oozed warmness. Hogwarts was like this perfect bubble enclosing family, spirit. Arabella loved the way Hogwarts made her feel, it was an escape from her shitty home back in London. 

Further down the Gryffindor table, she could hear James pestering Lily Evans. Lily Evans was the second, much to her dismay, smartest girl. Arabella was the smartest. Lily constantly tried to be better than Silvers. That was the difference between the two. Arabella didn't try to be smart or pretty, or good at school, she just was. Lily on the other hand did everything she could to be better than the Silvers girl. And it was so obvious.

"Go on a date with me Evans, won't you?"

"I would rather eat my own foot, you arrogant toe-rag!"

James sighed in defeat. He would never admit it but every time Lily shot him down it hurt him. He knew he basically asked for it, but a small part of him always hoped that she would eventually reciprocate his feelings.

James kept his eyes on Lily for a moment when they subconsciously ventured to the Silvers girl. She threw her head back in laughter, her blonde waves jumping up and down. She's absolutely gorgeous

She stopped laughing and her eyes met his gaze. She winked and resumed her conversation. James felt his pants get tighter. Oh god. He quickly stood up and ran out of the great hall, ignoring the curious glances from his friends and others who had noticed his hastiness.

"He didn't? Did he?" Sirius thought aloud and looked to Remus for assurance. Instead, he was met with a snort and an

"Oh definitely. Not even Lily could give him a hard-on from a look"


Arabella's first class was potions with the Slytherins.

The Slytherin house had become somewhat known for harboring the pureblood supremacists and assholes. Whilst this proved right sometimes, Arabella was not one to discriminate based on house. You see, Arabella herself came from a pureblood family who believed that all muggle and muggle-borns were inferior and Toujours pur. Arabella thought it was all a load of bollocks really. Because of this, she sympathised with the Slytherins, she knew the immense pressure that most of their parents put on them

Back to potions. Slughorn had them making the draught of the living death and Arabella was this close to drinking it herself. Just because she was good at something doesn't mean she had to like it. And if there was one thing that Arabella really didn't like, it was potions. She found it immensely tedious. Who the fuck has time for this? She thought.

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