XIX ~ A crack in everything

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"I just don't want my mum to be sad!" James pleaded

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"I just don't want my mum to be sad!" James pleaded

"all right well what other boy names do you have in mind?" Arabella countered

James thought for a while when it dawned upon, "what about Harry?"

Arabella had been really set on Monty for a boy. It was perfect in her mind, a tribute to James' dad who had been there for them in so many ways and it was a nice name. But Harry didn't seem so bad either. For some odd reason she just really seemed to click with the name. But of course, she wouldn't let James think he had won,

"Alright, I'll think about it" she smirked

"you're a real challenge you know that. I mean you try living with Satan for 9 months. It's been really hard" James whined

"oh has it? has it been really really hard for you James? It must be so hard not carrying a human for 9 fucking months. It must be so hard being skinny and not having to pee every 5 minutes" Arabella fumed

"hey well, you married me" he retorted

"I wasn't meant to fucking fall for you, and yet here we are" she complained

James chuckled and rolled his eyes, "alright alright, want some tea then love? The due date is coming up, doctor said minimal work and last I checked screaming at your beloved husband is maximum work"

Now it was Arabella's turn to roll her eyes, she loved the idea of bringing a life into the world but being pregnant and constantly coddled was terrible. She couldn't wait to have this baby.

And it seems she didn't have to wait long because as James made his way into the kitchen something splashed Arabella's feet and when she looked down to inspect she realized it had come from inside her.

"uh James?" she called 

"yes, love?"

"get the hospital bag and call everyone"

James laughed, "why do I need to get to the hospital- oh OH. THE BABY'S COMING?" He yelled sprinting into the living room where Arabella was still standing above a puddle. 

James frantically ran into the bedroom and grabbed the bag, he then ran back into the living room and sent a Patronus to his friends before running into the hallway to get their coats, all while Arabella stood waiting for James to hurry the fuck up.

"JAMES! YOU NEED TO CHILL THE FUCK OUT! GET ME TO ST. MUNGOS NOW!" she bellowed and James instantly complied apparating them straight to the hospital where their friends were already waiting. 

"out of my way now. need to get baby out my fucking vagina" Arabella groaned and in fear of the girl all the friends simultaneously moved to the side to let the girl through.

Forever and longer - James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now