X ~ The Silvers siblings

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Arabella's eyes opened slowly

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Arabella's eyes opened slowly. Her eyes were groggy and her body hurt, an inexplicable pain running through her stomach and legs. She did not recognise where she was, but when she looked around and saw a boy fast asleep holding onto her hand, she knew; She was at the Potter manor.

She began to sit up, waking up James in the process. When she saw his tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes it all came rushing back. Her pathetic parents, the engagement to Regulus, the cruciatus curse, blood, a woman, voices she recognised, then blank. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

"where's Griffin and Regulus? Did they make it?" She said with wide eyes, trying to stand up. However, she was pulled back down onto the couch by James. She resisted but he was significantly stronger and successfully brought her back down.

"wait here, I'm gonna get the others. You're alright, aren't you? I don't have to leave, I can just yell. But would that be too loud? You know what we'll just let them come on their own. But Griffin would wanna know. And Sirius, he's been stressing for hours. This is probably the first bit of sleep he's gotten since you arrived. Maybe I should let him sleep, but-"

"JAMES!" the girl blurted, interrupting the boy's rambling. He froze and watched the girl

"I'm ok, go get the others." she giggled at the boy's flustered state.

James nodded and promptly ran up the stairs, leaving the girl alone in the massive living room. Arabella tried to remember all the details of the night before, but most of it was a blur. She remembered the pain though. The screams of her brother. That she certainly remembered.

She lifted her shirt and saw three gash wounds down her chest and lower abdomen. She knew they would not disappear, dark magic stains your skin, leaves with a permanent reminder.

James entered the room and saw Arabella inspecting her wounds, he walked over to her with sad eyes. He softly placed his hand on the wound and she flinched slightly but allowed him nonetheless.

"You're gorgeous A"

Her eyes lit up slightly and went to speak when Griffin, Reg, and Sirius stormed in. James jumped up and flushed red.

Griffin practically sprinted to the girl's side and pulled her into a hug. The two siblings stayed there for several minutes.

To say Griffin had been terrified would be an understatement. He hadn't slept at all, Regulus had to drag him into bed to at least rest a little. But it was no use, Griffin refused to rest until he knew his other half was safe. Just hours ago, he thought he was about to lose his twin, but here she was. She was ok.

"I'm glad my womb-mate is ok" he sniffled

Arabella pulled away and glared at him "I told you not to call me that, it's weird and gross"

Forever and longer - James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now