V ~ Twins

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It had been three weeks since the party

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It had been three weeks since the party. Arabella and Remus had decided that their relationship was not meant to go further than friendship.

The students were now in potions and Slughorn was droning on about some pointless potion the students were meant to brew.

"Alright class, for this you will be partnered up, Greengrass with Avery..."

Arabella had zoned out, not particularly caring who was partners with who. She stared off into nothing when something sharp pulled her back into reality. Violet dug her elbow into Arabella's side, nudging her head in the direction of Slughorn, signaling her to listen.

"Silvers with Potter, Quill with Lupin..."

Great. In the past three weeks, Arabella's relationships with the marauders strengthened significantly. She and Sirius had bonded over their fucked up parents and their totally surreal expectations. She was already quite close with Peter but hanging out with his friend group only hardened that bond. She and Remus were practically inseparable, not to mention he was an excellent study buddy. The only member she had not been hanging out with was James. He had avoided her endlessly since the party. And every time she approached him, he either ran in the opposite direction or came up with a pathetic excuse to leave.

"Not gonna try and run away are you, Potter?" Arabella inquired and James smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sorry I've been a bit MIA, just needed to sort a few things out"

"Well have you, sorted it out?"

"I think so, I mean I'm talking to you aren't I?"

Arabella shrugged and eyed the potion they were doing in her textbook; wit sharpening potion.


1. Scarab beetles

2. Ginger roots

3. Armadillo bile

4. Newt spleens

Arabella furrowed her brows as she cut the ginger roots, they were so fucking stubborn. She was so focused on the ginger roots, she didn't notice a certain raven-haired boy staring at her. He was mindlessly stirring the potion but the truth was, he couldn't give less of a rat's ass about a potion when he's got the most beautiful girl right in front of him.

"So tell me, Silvers, how'd you get so bloody good at potions? You're even better than Evans" James spoke up.

Arabella raised an eyebrow "dunno, natural talent I guess. Tell me, Potter, how'd you get so bad at potions? You've been stirring nothing for about 20 minutes now"

James looked down to see that there was indeed nothing in the cauldron. He flushed beet red, Arabella looked at him and couldn't help but laugh. James heard her contagious laughter and soon he too joined in. Everyone turned to look at the pair who were laughing uncontrollably in the corner.

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