the trick

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It as been a week since I decide to pull a trick on my werewolf friends for pushing me away of their little night patrols . I didn't minded at first I mean it just meant that I'll get more sleep and who would say no to that seriously ! But after a couple of weeks I was just bored and they kept pushing me away cuz it was " too dangerous for a human ". And since I was getting really annoyed by this I've planned this incredible trick so I can have some fun seeing them running everywhere to catch me !? And today is the day I finally get to start having fun . I was about to get a last look at my plan in my head when I heard a knock on my window I turn around facing the person that was knocking . And saw Scott looking at me through my room window , so I open my window and he jump in my room like it was a normal thing to knock on someone's window and to casually jump in their room at midnight !

St:The hell Scott !

Sc:What ?

St:Why are you in my room at this hour ? You almost gave me heart attack ! I swear if you don't have a good explanation...

Sc:Urgh...sorry's just that I'm going on a patrol and I wanted to check up on you just to make sure you're ok and that you are not going to sneak out to join the pack like you did last time .

Right...I forgot about that !

St:Well I'm here and I'm not going to sneak out to join your patrol , happy now ? I said trying to keep my heartbeat calm and regular or else he would know I'm lying...well technically I'm not since I'm not going to sneak out to join the patrol but to make them run everywhere !

Sc:Ok...see you tomorrow then !

St:Yeah bye Scott ! Scotty poor Scotty your going to see me way sooner than just tomorrow ! Even if you will never know it's actually does it count ?

As soon as Scott left my room still by the window I heard another knock !

St:What's the point in having doors when every werewolf in town come in my house by the windows ? I said sarcastically as Issac enter my room BY MY WINDOW !!!!!

Is:I'm sorry Stiles but it's just that Derek asked me to check if you were ok and out of danger

Why would Derek want to check if I'm ok or not ? He hates me and always pins me to a wall when I open my mouth at a pack meeting.

St:Well I'm fine so go back where you come from before the angry sour wolf tries to kill you because you took too long . I said smiling at Issac who smiled back at me and just disappeared into the night .

I ran to my window and screamed :

Next time use the fricking door !!!! And I hear a chuckle from Issac coming from the woods .

Ten minutes later once I was sure no other werewolves were going to enter my room I finally decide that it was time for me to start my plan and so I did ! I carefully took off my clothe so they wouldn't get wripped apart in the process . And then I close my eyes and concentrated to transform into my full fox form , it took around a minute for my transformation to be full .

After that I left my room by my window and I will admit that it's pretty fun to jump out of a window I understand why everyone does that

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After that I left my room by my window and I will admit that it's pretty fun to jump out of a window I understand why everyone does that .

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