you aren't telling me everything !

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Peter just kicked us out of the loft , and Derek did nothing , what ?! When did Peter even got here ?

Ly:What just happened ?

St:I...have no idea...

Sc:well that was...something

Ma:I didn't know Peter was back...Malia said with a hint of sadness and what sounded like disappointment in her voice

Is:He didn't tell you ?

She just shock her head no and looked down at the ground .

St:But I thought he wanted to bound with his daughter and stuff

Ma:That's also what I thought but apparently not...she let out weakly , I...I'm gonna go now that this is finished .

Al:So are we waiting for the werefox to show up or do we go home and rest ?

St:I think that we should all go home and rest , Derek and...Peter are both here so if he shows up they won't have too much trouble talking to him . I said confidently

I would love to go home and rest actually , but I can't ! Because if the werefox don't show up at Derek's door steps soon , the pack will try to find another way to find him...well more like to find me . And this idea is actually the less risky that they proposed so I'm willing to take this risk over another way more dangerous one .

Ly:Isn't it a bit dangerous to go home just like that , if the werefox successfully broke in Derek's loft then what's stopping him from doing the same in one of our house ?

Is:It's true , what if he didn't attack Derek because he's kind of the co-alpha of the pack ? Maybe he'll attack us who knows ?

St:I-I don't think he'll attack any of us , I mean you guys may not all be alphas but you're still werefolf and I read that werefoxes are not fond of you so his instincts isn't going to push him into a fight with you...

Bo:And yet he still went to Derek's...

St:That's true...but it doesn't mea-

Al:Look maybe we can go by group of two ?

Er:Suuuuuuuure , and once the first one is home , the other need to go all the way to their house by themselves so it doesn't work !

Al:Thank you very much for your , oh so useful comment Erica , now if you would just let me finish . The group's pick a house and they both sleep there to prevent any unnecessary dangers .

St:Are you sure that's a good idea , I mean it is but...My problem is that I can't sneak out if someone is in the room with me...

That's what I wanted to say , obviously I couldn't so I just stopped mid sentence . The thing is that if I didn't show up at Derek's knowing how impatient the pack is , they'll immediately assume that the plan didn't work and will change it as soon as possible . So I need to go tonight , but if I'm stuck with someone I won't be able to do that !

Ly:What's wrong with the idea Stiles ?

St:W-well ! I don't know how we could do decent groups...

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