you can trust me

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We simply sat there , in silence , but it wasn't an awkward silence . It was warm and...familiar in some ways . I never knew how much my life was cold before , it feel so...right , to be here together . But then I remembered , how was I going to tell him that I'm not the human of the group but that in reality I'm the werefox they're trying to catch ! It was easy to tell Allison since-wait...Allison ! She's still missing , how could I forget !? Oh no , and my classes ! And-

De:What's wrong Stiles ? Your heart is beating really fast and I doubt that it's because of me

St:We still didn't find Allison...

De:You're right , well let's go then . He responded with a hint of sadness in his voice even if he tried to hid it

We both got up and I pulled him into yet another passionate kiss

St:Thank you Derek...he softly smiled and we started to search for Allison

                  -20 minutes later-

I was calling Allison's name for the thousand time when I finally got the answer I was dying to hear .

St:Allison ! ALLISON !

Al:I'm here...I heard her say in a dry voice , like she's been crying

St:Allison !? I ran towards where I heard the sound of her voice

De:Do you see her ? I heard Derek ask in the distance , but I was already running , as fast as humanly possible of course .

Al:Hey Stiles...did you really follow me all the way here from the lockers ?

St:Yeah but...I wasn't alon-

De:Stiles ! Don't ever run off like that !? I turned around and saw a very angry Derek , and when I looked back at Allison , I saw her with a shocked expression

St:Yeah , I called Derek so he could help me find you . I explained and she simply nodded in return

Al:That's really nice of you Derek , thank you , but...Stiles , you just had to use your pow-I cut her off before she start to say something about my secret

St:The power of my phone ! Of course , yeah you're right I didn't think about it , my bad ! I gave her the look and it seemed that she immediately understood because she looked at me with apologetic eyes

De:Are you kidding me ! You didn't think of using your phone to call her but you thought of calling me ! He facepalmed

St:Meh , I don't regret it...I said while smirking to him

Al:Could you two stop flirting , all this love in the air makes me want to kill you both . She said while fake gagging on disgust before smiling at me , basically telling me that she already knows everything

De:How did you-

St:Yeeeeeeeeah ! That's my best friend !? I hugged her tightly

Al:It was easy , I know you too well

St:Are you...going to tell me what happened ? I really want to help you Allison , just like you helped me...I saw her eyes twitch towards Derek and instantly got it , she didn't want him to know . It's fine if you don't want to tell me at the moment , take your time , I'll always be joinable when you need me . I softly said in a comforting voice .

Al:Thank y-Before she could finish her sentence I heard the bell ringing , therefore cutting all other sounds off-oh shit ! My dad is going to murder me !?

De:Stiles , I can hear the bell ringing , didn't you say that you couldn't miss classes anymore ?

St:Derek you need to get us there and fast !

De:But , my car is still at the loft

Al:You just have to carry Stiles and I'll get on your back . She said giving me a slight grin while I stayed still , blushing like crazy at the idea of Derek holding me in his arms .

Getting all flustered about this makes me feel so stupid ! We've slept in the same room and bed multiple times already , but the idea of him holding my...well , human-self while being awake simply makes me a blushing mess . I was going to say something when suddenly I felt my feet leaving the ground . I hold onto the first thing that I could find , and when I looked up I saw my arms around Derek's neck , he simply looked at me with his beautiful eyes . I panicked and immediately removed my arms , and ended up crashing to the ground . My eyes turning purple because of the pain for a second and I let out a growl of pain

Al:Urgh ! Fine , Stiles get up , you'll be the one on his back and he'll carry me .

St:O-Ok , yeah , we can do that it's-

Al:Stiles , the classes aren't waiting for use . Hurry !

St:Ah , euh , yes ! Why do you always have to tell !? I ask dramatically

Al:I'm just doing my job , and it's preventing you from getting grounded for the rest of your life . So now you better jump on your little boyfriend back before I'm the one kicking your ass !

St:You're scary...!

Al:I know and I like it now...

St:Yeah yeah I get it...

I climbed on Derek's back and grip him tightly , he started running and I could feel absolutely every muscles of his back ! What the hell , I knew Derek was jacked but at this point !?

                -When they arrived-

I felt Derek stop , I guess that we're here , it was rather quick . I hope that we didn't miss any classes...

De:Ok we're here , Stiles you can get down

I opened my eyes and saw that Allison was already standing up and looking at me with amused eyes .

St:Ah ! Yes you're right thanks...I got down of Derek's back and started running inside the school

I stopped in my track for a second and ran back inside letting Allison standing there probably waiting for me . When I reached where Derek is standing I gave him a fast smooch and thanked him again before finally sprinting with Allison while laughing of what happened . We arrived just in time for the beginning of our classes , thanks to Derek of course !


Hey guys , it's been quite a long time since the last chapter . I just couldn't find the time to write but here you go , a new chapter that I hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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