are you ok ?

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I was walking towards Derek who was looking at me weirdly , like he was conflicted . He looked like he wanted me to come to him but at the same time like he was begging me to walk away...I slowed down and stopped in front of a Derek who was facing the floor kneeling in front of me . Suddenly he pinched his nose and kept facing the floor for some reason . alright ?

He didn't respond he just nodded really slowly still facing the floor , it was like he didn't wanted to see me...why was he doing this ?

I decided to sit down in front of him so I could see his face , but when I tried to lift his face he grabbed my wrist and slowly lift his head and...OH MY GOD ! He was in his werewolf form ! Is he's going to hurt me ! I don't want to be killed by an angry sourwolf...I'm too beautiful to die ! He was staring at me dead in the eyes while I was thinking of all the possible different death I could endure , after all he will finally keep his promise and rip my throat open...with his teeth...whyyyyyyy is it always me ! I really have no luck , that's not fair !

He slowly take my other wrist with the same hand , and he pushes my two arms above my head and push me down so I was laying on my back...what was he doing ! He slowly started to climb over me and I was freaking out ! Was I really going to die !

Suddenly a low growl got my was Scott with the rest of the pack ! I turned my head to face Derek again , his face was only an inche away from mine , I started to blush a little but I was way too scared for my life right now so I didn't really think about the position that we were in...Derek was on top of me with my arms pin to the floor by Derek...Derek was looking at me in the eyes and he slowly lifted his head to face the pack he then looked back at me and his eyes were brown again for a slight moment before they retake their electric blue colour . He looked...scared ? He started to back away from me but suddenly he grabbed my waist and got up , I was shocked he was carrying me , my feet no longer touched the ground and I started to fall off his grip so I had to wrap my arms around his neck and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he grabbed my thighs , bringing me closer to him then I already was . He put his head in the crook of my he...sniffing my scent ?

I turned my head to face Scott and the pack with a confused look...what in the world is happening right now !?

St:Sc..Scott , what is he doing ?

Sc:I..I have no idea...

St:Bro ! Your supposed to be a werewolf expert ! What the fuck is happening-ngh ! Did Derek fricking Hale just bit my neck or am I dreaming !? happening ! Is he going to turn me into a werewolf, please don't tell me he's going to turn me into a werewolf !? I know I can't become a werewolf but honestly I'd prefer not to be bitten especially if I need to explain why I didn't turn into a werewolf or banshee but also didn't die. start to move so I could get out of his grip , but he just tighten it on my thighs . I could feel his claws starting to tear off my Jeans.

I stopped moving when I felt something hard in Derek's pant...I moved again just to make sure it was what I thought it was and it became harder ! My eyes widened in shock !

St:Scott ! Scott ! Help me he's going to eat me !

Sc:What do you mean Stiles ?

I was going to open my mouth again to ask for help but Derek started to run and all I could do was screaming for help and punching his back ! Don't mind me , Derek is hot af but I didn't want an angry werewolf to fuck me and then kill me because he wasn't in his right mind ! He clearly isn't ok , Derek would never act like that and he would never come in public in his werewolf form either !

I saw the whole pack running after me and Derek , I couldn't see anything everything was moving way too fast ! And I eventually ended up passing out because well I know I'm a werefox but when I run this fast I'm usually  in my werefox form not in my human one , this body can't take that much speed . And after that...everything went black .


Hey guys ! Yes I know , I posted a chapter yesterday but since it didn't take long to write this one and that it as only +850 words where I usually write 1200/1600 words it didn't took me that much of time to wrote this one , so here it is ! It's starting to get interesting between those two 😏 anyway I hope you liked it , I'll probably do a Derek pov next so I don't think there'll be very much words then this one so it'll probably be post soon too so stay connected and now all I have to say is...bye and see you in the next chapter !

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