what am I going to do ?!

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I was walking mindlessly in the woods , I just came out of my pro hunter exam...and I've failed ! I've always been the best in that class but no matter my efforts everyone just mocked me ! I was so pissed off that I ran out, and here I am...lost in the woods . Just great ! Right now I just want to cry , I've been training my entire life to be a pro hunter and I messed up everything ! My family will never ever accept me back home if I don't pass the exam , they'll say that I'm a disgrace and a shame to the family...what am I going to do ! I don't even have a place to live !

Suddenly i heard loud and fast footsteps , what's that !?

?:I-is anyone here ?

Out of no where i heard a low growl...ok calm down don't freak out ! You've been trained your whole life for this situation so use what you practiced so many time, ok first step :

-analysing the type of growl .

Alright : low , dominant , powerful and...protective ? So that Leaves us with two option , alpha trying to protect their pack from hunters or a wolf trying to protect their mate .

The first option isn't available since hunters hunt during the night and it's like noon or something . So that means there is some crazy ass werewolf trying to fuck with another crazy ass werewolf ? That's exactly how I imagined my Monday to go...

Next ,
-finding out the position of the prey .

Ok the growl came from the East of the forest and if I could hear it that good it's not far , 300 m max .

-wait for the best opportunity .

Ok...I need to have the monster in visual , I start to carefully and silently walk in the direction of that creature . After about ten minutes I spot him , he was a big one , very muscular and very horny since he is literally on top of that...HUMAN ! Wait is his mate a human ? I've never heard of that before...

Now that I'm close enough of them and that I have a better look at those two it seems like the werewolf isn't actually mating with him but just laying on top of him like an alive blanket and the human is sleeping I believe . Wait...maybe if I kill this werewolf and give it to the academy they'll accept and honour me ! And they'll be force to admit that i deserve to pass the exam and have the title of pro hunter !

Okay then last step in the process ,

Shoot !

I take out my gun , sadly I only have tranquilizer bullets ( a/n : I don't even know if it's how you spell it or if it's even the great word sorry 😅 ) since they don't want us to shoot each other at the academy and harm others . So I'll have to kill this werewolf after the bullets affected him enough .

Ok , 1 , 2 , 3 *BANG!*

Yesss ! First try , directly in the back of the neck exactly like at the training session ! I've always been the best in this class , they'll all pay for underestimating me !

It seems like the werewolf stood up immediately taking the needle off his neck , but it's too late the liquid wolfsbane is already in his system . I waited patiently and saw that the tranquilizer slowly affected the creature , he started to stumble and couldn't stand up straight anymore . It instinctively went for his mate trying to protect him before falling on the ground and closing his eyes . I waited two more minutes just to make sure the werewolf really was asleep and I came out of the spot i was hiding and started to carefully walk towards the two man . I stood just above the werewolf wondering how to kill him and where to take him , I immediately thought of the academy but the problem is that I would not be able to be respected if I just came with a sleeping werewolf , it needed to be dead !

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