memory of the past

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After we found Stiles we went to the car and as Lydia was driving to Stiles' for a pack meeting I was seeing that Stiles and Allison kept looking at each other and making weird faces , and the weird thing is that they weren't talking or anything but that he could manage to make her genuinely laugh jut by looking at her frowning his brows tilting his head to the side and moving his eyes...what were those two up to ? ( A/n : all girls knows what I'm talking about , when you talk to your best friend but not with words just by looking at them . All girls knows what I'm talking about and then there's scott always clueless 😂😏 ) are they secretly dating !?

No...they can't be , Stiles has a huge crush on Lydia since third grade . And Allison is my ex and he knows I still like her , he would never do such a thing to me ! We're best friend after all . But during our whole relationship I never heard her laugh like sounded so true...maybe , maybe she's happier with him...even if I still have feeling for her , it seems like she doesn't . And if I'm being honest it really hurts me seeing her with my best friend , and even if I want to be angry at him I can't...she seems so happy with him I'm just can't be mad...

Stiles is right , sometime I'm a little childish but not this time ! As soon as we'll get out of the car , I'll take him appart and congratulates them for their relationship , tell them that I accept it and that they are free to date each other without hiding it...Allison deserve to be happy and I know that in a secret relationship she won't .

I was lost in my thoughts when i heard a voice .

St:Tt , Scott , SCOTT !?

Sc:What ?

St:We're here , you need to get out of the car !

Sc:Oh...ok yeah I'm getting out...

St:You good bro ?

Sc:Yeah I just...can I talk to you in private ?


I looked around to see that there was no one left in the car , I stood up and start to walk towards Stiles' house .

Sc:Are the other inside yet ?

St:Yes why ?

Sc:Because i need to tell you something about you and...and...

St:Annnnnnnnnnnnd ?

Sc:You and Allison...

St:Me and Allison ? What's up with me and Allison ? He paused for a second and then his eye widen , ooooh ! You mean that !

Sc:Yes , I want you to know that I accept your relation , and that you don't need to hide it anymore . As long as you and Allison are happy it's ok with me...but if you dare hurt her...

Then to my surprise Stiles just burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing he ever heard in his entire life .

St:Ok , ok...Scott what do you think we are with Allison ?

Sc:You're dating .

St:Scott...i would never date her ! For multiple reason , one : she's your ex and you still have feelings for her , two : she's not my type , three : I-I eummh...i have a crush on Lydia...ya know my legendary crush since third grade...yeaaaaaaaaaah...anyways ! We really need to go inside , like right now !? After he finished his sentence he bolt to the house and slammed the door open before running in .

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