a night in the woods ( Derek view )

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After I finished my patrol I texted Isaac to see if he checked up on Stiles like I asked him earlier .

De:Did you do what I asked you to ?

Is:Yep , he is fine .

De:Alright , tell the others to meet me at our usual spot immediately .

Is:They're on their way !

As soon as I saw the message from Issac I started running towards the woods to get at the pack's usual spot , it's in the center of the woods and we explain what happened during our patrol so the other know the same as we do . At some point I finally arrive to the spot and waited , after a couple of minutes waiting I finally see Scott and Issac arriving . Soon enough the whole pack was here and we started telling what happened when we were out . Then an arrow came out from the bushes and everyone turnee to look at where it was arriving from . Then three more arrows came out of the dark woods and at this point I knew we were screwed because we wouldn't be able to stop them . But out of no where a fox the size of a wolf jumped and landed carefully on the ground, between us and the arrows in a protective pose . It was like he was trying to protect us but how could a fox protect us and how is this fox so big ! Then when I saw the arrows hiting an invisible barrier instead of us I understood ! This was not just an ordinary fox...it was a pure blood werefox ! The members of these species are really powerfull but the pure bloods even more ! They can do magic and turn into complete fox form and if I refer to the size of this one I would say that he is part of one of the most powerful bloodline of the dynasty of pure blood werefox ! I was still skeptical, after all why would that type of super rare creature live in the woods of beacon hill ? And then it hit me , his glowing purple eyes were almost mesmerizing me...I've read books and articles about the pure blood families of werefox and in each one of them you could read that the pure blood adults werefox were so beautiful and powerfull that it could kill you just by looking at you dead in the eyes . But when I looked at him more carefully while Scoot was slowly walking towards the fox , I realized that he was definitely not an adult . His furr was orange and white and I've heard that those really rare werefox change their natural orange furr colour into a white colour when they become adult....but he was not a kid either since his eyes are purple . Kids werefox can't practice magic so their eyes don't glow....but that means...

That me and the whole pack just got saved by some random teenager alone where we have a banshee multiple werewolfs and a hunter !? How is that possible he is not even adult !

Than I hear someone running and I turn my attention back to the fox and see him running into the wood . Then everyone started running after him so I started running too but I'm not stupid I know the other will never catch up with him he is way too fast for them so I quickly shift into my wolf form and it didn't took long for me to catch up with the red fox . But he was still too fast for me ! So I stopped, expecting him to run away but surprisingly he stopped too...why ? And then I understood , I remember now ! The werefox are manipulating and not trustable but most of the time they don't do that on purpose they just want to play so they pull tricks on you just to have fun but most of the time they take pleasure seeing others fight and that is what they call having fun...but he didn't let us fight with the hunters so what type of trick did he pull on us ?

I looked at him right in the eyes, trying to read his expression. I started to walk slowly in a circular way and he started doing it too . Maybe he wants to fight after all ? But after a minute I was ready to attack but he just looked behind him making me confused why would he look behind him when a fight is about to start he is just making himself weaker by doing this...I thought those creature were one of the smartest of all . He then jumped on top of a really high tree ! How did he managed to jump so high within seconds ! He jumped from tree to another and looked at me with a smirk and malicious eyes making me really angry ! I think he saw it because his smile was even bigger he then just disappeared in the dark night leaving me alone in the woods angry and confused....what does this fox want from the pack and why did he saved us just to run away ugggh ! This is driving me crazy ! I want answers and if that means that I need to come get him myself I will .


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