oh...well that's new

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I walk out of the class I was in to go get lunch and maybe talk with the others for a bit . I soon saw Allison and Isaac casually talking at a table so I just joined them with a smile on my face , it was good to see them after those depressing memories of my mother earlier .

St:Hey guys , so what were you taking about ?

Is:Oh , nothing important we were just wondering what Derek could want to tell us tonight .

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! I forgot about that ?! How could I forgot about that ?! That's awful he smelled me , that's 100% sure ! Why did I even came there anyway ? I'm so dumb , out of all werewolfs I had to snuggle into the perfect muscled chest of the born werewolf , the only one that could possibly be able to smell my scent under the foxe's one !? What is wrong with my stupid instincs , it really wants my death doesn't it !

St:I have no idea what he could possibly tell us that we don't already know about the werefox I said in a calm way even though my brain cells were freaking out and I was freaking out and-well you get the idea...

Al:I don't know , he just proceed to tell me that he had new informations about the fox and nothing more she shrugged

____________time skip to the pack meeting because I'm too lazy and it's unintresting to read about teenagers who just attend to their classes 🙃_____


The pack is going to arrive soon , I prepared some chips because if I don't I know that they're just going to complain about how hungry they are and they won't listen to what I have to say . For some reason I also made curly fries that I had no idea were in my fridge...Yeah...you know damn well that you brought that for our ma-Didn't I told you that I didn't want to refer to him as...the thing you were going to say ! What ? You mean mate ? Yes this , now stop calling him this it makes me uncomfortable . That's not true it only makes it more real and force you to face the truth , he's your mate and you can't do anything about it . Plus why would you want to do anything about it ? He's so perfect with his whiskey brown eyes , his beautiful face with his freekles and-yeah I get it whatever I don't want to hear you grumbling about how perfect you find Stiles in my head , thank you very much but I'll pass . Why not ? I'm sure you love thinking about him in all the way possible 😏 . W-what even does that mean ! Oh...oh hell no ! Not again !? Are you serious , why did you have to bring it up like that ? I was perfectly fine until you started talking about how perfect he would look in different positions...A-and now this stupid heat thing is back ! Hey don't accuse me ! I just told you that Stiles would look good in many ways , plus we're literally the same person . I'm just telling you the things that you don't want to accept but that are true and Stiles being your mate is the truth , Just accept it already !? Tell him , he accepts us , and then we can mate my inner wolf almost purred . NO THAT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !? I'm going to go take a cold shower before the other arrive and you're not allowed to talk to me until the heat has ended ! Aw...you're no fun Derek , I know you want this ! No absolutely not !? I'm literally here to tell you what your body and brain wants how can you even deny it ? I can and I will , now leave me alone . Whatever , for now you can get away with it but the more you wait the more ichy it's get and at some point , you'll be force to admit it and tell him . I think you should do it while you're still sane and not when you'll start to go crazy mode...just saying tho-stop talking !? Ok ok ! Fine , no need to get all excited here...

I quickly ran upstairs knowing that I didn't have much time left until the pack arrives and that I needed to hurry up and take a shower , a really cold shower that's for sure seeing that you're already as ha-why are you still here , I told you to shut up ! I didn't even bother taking my clothes off , it was way to hot for me to think straight anymore , I just wanted my body to cool down and that's the only thing that was in my mind at the moment . I hop in the bathtub and turn on the cold water , almost immediately the freezing water hit my skin and the feeling of having my skin on fire slowly faded away .

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