why is it so...cold ?

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( when it's like that ?: It means that the characters talk out loud and when it's like that ?: It means that they are talking in there head/mind , anyway enjoyyyyyyy ! 😉😉😉😉❤️ )                   


After a while , of me conforming Allison and Lydia we all went down stairs and put a movie on the TV . I decided to watch star wars even tho Lydia complained and Allison was just dead asleep on the couch before the movie even started . In the middle of the film I was feeling like I was being watched which maked me highly uncomfortable...I kept looking behind me and around franticly to see if anyone would be standing there just watching me . I honestly was super scared because Lydia was now asleep just like Allison and I was the only one awake and this feeling of being watched didn't want to leave me...I felt...cold and alone , I-I felt like I needed someone...someone in particular here , with me , holding me close and never letting me leave their warmth . It was just like my body was telling me to stand up and walk where it leads me...b-but that's...absurd ! Why would I want to do that ?

Since this feeling of coldness wouldn't leave me , I got up from the couch and get an extra blanket but the minute I stand up I felt an itchy sensation . Wait...I know this sensation...that's what I feel when I have this unbearable need to transform into my fox form ! Sometimes when I feel this I can't control it at all and my body simply transform without my will !  Now all I can do is wait until my body does what it needs to do...I don't really have the choice anyway...

I just closed my eyes and when I reopened them , I was the sized of a wolf . I looked around to check if Allison and Lydia were still asleep and...yes ! They still are asleep , thank god ! I was relieved for a second but the second after , my body just arched due to the sudden coldness , my whole body just felt like it has been inside the ice for a long time . I couldn't bare this feeling anymore !

I just wanted to get warm ! I tried to climb up on the couch to get under the blanket but even under a pile of them the feeling didn't go away , actually...it was getting worse ! I couldn't take it anymore I just wanted this to stop !? At some point I just ran out of my house , an started to frantically run around searching everywhere for something that could help me get ride of the sensation . As soon as I put my feet in the forest the feeling calmed down a little , so I kept going this way . I didn't see where I was going all I knew at the moment was that my body was getting warmer and warmer by every step I took .

And within a second I was in front of a house...what am I doing here ? Well you know what , I don't care ! At least it seems like there's warmth inside there so I'm going inside too ! The only problem is that...I can't enter inside in my fox form...which means that I need to turn back into a human but...I don't think that my body will allow that , I know for a fact that werefoxes adapt their body to be in the best condition in every weather or conditions . And if my body decided that my full fox form was the best for the situation then it means it is . Now...I need to find a way to get inside without being seen .

I quickly look around and spot an open window . It isn't too high and I think I can make the jump . I quickly jump up and I maked it ! I was inside a room...I've never been here before , I mean it's the second floor . Derek never let us go upstairs so it's not surprising that I have no idea what's up there . I just let my body take control and lead me where the warmth is , it leed me in front of a wooden door...there is...so much warmth in there ! I reach for the doorknob and the door open up a little , I pushed the door open with my head before entering , the room was huge ! It was dark but since I was on my fox form , I could see well in the dark . I was walking around , searching for what could produce this warmth . I look over the bed and saw a figure casually sleeping in it , it seems like this person is the one , it's like their body is radiating with warmness . With my eyes , I could see the colours radiating from their body , it was a mix of red and orange while everything around was purple and blue . It seemed like my body was attracted to them...it was so beautiful and I just wanted to go there and get as close to them as possible .

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