your questions are stupid !

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St:I-hum...yeah I'm going bye...

Al:Did I say something bad ?

St:Oh no , of course you didn''s just...the nickname you just gave me it mother called me that before she , well you know...

Al:Oh I'm sorry ! Are you not comfortable with me calling you that ? I'll stop , sorry I didn't realize what it meant to you...

St:It's all fine don't worry , I said smiling softly , it's actually quite nice to her it after so many years

Al:Good , now go you shouldn't make your loverwolf , she giggled

St:Loverwolf ? Where did you find this ?

Al:It just popped up like that !


Al:Now go !

St:Yeah , yeah I'm going !

Al:Go go go !?

St:Alright !

I ran directly towards the window and shifted right before crashing on the wall and successfully landed on the grass . I looked up and saw Allison looking down from my window , I gave her a small nod and her worried expression almost immediately changed into a smile and within a minute I was running in the woods in the direction of Derek's .

Suddenly the cold feeling came back like a strike down my spin and I arched in pain , it's even worst then last time ! It just made me run faster then ever , it's like my body knows exactly where to go to get the pain away and probably for the same reason then last time I can't help but guess that I'm going to end up in Derek's arms all night...which is not such a bad thing , the only problem would be if I became human again during the night and woke up naked next to a Derek knowing what my secret is . I already told Allison and having more then 1 or 2 person knowing already put me in so much danger so if anyone else were to find out , let's just'll be bye bye Beacon hills for me so let's hope that doesn't happen !

Just like last time , the closer I got to Derek's loft , the less I felt this freezing sensation crawling under my skin . Soon enough I was standing in front of the loft and I could feel the heat radiate from the inside my body was like begging me to just run inside and get surrounded by it , and...I did...I spotted an open window just like last time and jumped inside . It looked suspicious to have exact same window I used yesterday open wide , it almost seemed like an invitation but at the time I really didn't care one tiny bit about an open window .

I started to wonder around room to spot Derek so he could make the feeling diseaper...again . But he was no where to be seen ! I started to frantically run around the room , eventually breaking random objects here and there...and I guess he heard all the noises because in a minute he was at the door , I immediately ran and jumped in his arms burying my head in his chest , desperately asking for his touch . I wanted him to pet me and wrap his arms around me , I wanted the awful feeling to go away and never come back . I couldn't bare with it anymore , it hurts too much !



I was waiting on the couch for the werefox but it seemed like he wasn't going to come after all...and I'm a bit disappointed about it because...the night he was with me , I got the best sleep ever ! And I actually appreciated the feeling of his furr under my fingers . But I guess he only made a mistake this time and he won't do it again .

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