I've Been Waiting To Do This!

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Before we start I just want to put a little Trigger Warning there will be homophobic saying in this chapter, I think you can already  guess from who 🙄
Anyway enjoy ❤️❤️❤️


St:W-WHAT ?!

Sc:What did you actually though Derek would want you !  You're a guy and he is too, Derek isn't gay he's way too strong to be a f@ggot-i cut him off before he could even finish his sentence.

St:What the fuck did you just say? I "ask", I obviously heard him. But I feel generous today even though I shouldn't pitty him , so I gave him a chance to take what he said back before I fucking break his legs.

Sc:I said that Derek isn't like you. He's not weak... Wait I get it now! You being  gay explains everything, that's why you're always so sensible and why we always need to protect you!

De:Who just threw you into a wall?

St:Because you care to protect me now? I snapped at Derek.

I can understand that he doesn't want everybody to know that he likes guy but seriously? Lying to Scott about his sexuality is understandable but he better not come like nothing ever happened and " help " me when I'm getting insulted because of his lack of support.

Sc:Yeah why are you trying to help this? He asked while pointing at me up and down

De:... He's part of the pack, and I don't care about what gender he likes-

Sc:I don't want a fucking f@ggot in my pack and clearly not in my town.

?:And why the fuck is that? I hear Allison say... Wait how did she found us?

Sc:Allison? What are you doing here...?

Al:Oh I don't know, maybe I saw you walking out of the school while dragging Stiles. And knowing what you threatened to do to him, I wasn't about to let you go.

De:Threatened? He threatened you!? You didn't tell me!

Al:You didn't tell him?

St:He's on Scott's side. I blankly stated

She immediately turned around looking at me , probably to see if I'm joking or not. Clearly I wasn't. She then turned to look at Derek with her brows furrowed.

Al:I...asked  you one fucking, protect him and you failed miserably. All of this for Scott? Seriously!


Al:No, no, no. You look, Stiles is the smartest person I've ever meet! And you reject him after you asked him out to be on Scott side even though he's the most selfish guy on this earth! You clearly don't see the luck you have Derek, so you better open your eyes and make it up to Stiles or I'm going to beat your ass! She screamed

I looked at her mesmerized, I can't believe that I found this amazing friend in a shitty town like beacon hills?

De:... Stiles... I'm sorry

I was about to respond when Allison interjected again

Al:It's not going to be this easy, now you're going to run to the nearest shop  and get curly fries.

De: Don't give me orders-he started, but when he looked at Allison, arms crossed over her chest with murder in her eyes he just gave a small awkward smile and left.

Allison turned to look at me and we started laughing

Al:I didn't though this would work, but at least we'll have curly fries for tonight

Sc:Why are you on his side Allison? I don't understand how you could possibly still want to be friend with him!

St:Oh  right I forgot that he existed...

Sc:Excuse me!

St:Listen...Scott, it was fun playing with you but you're seriously starting to get on my nerves. You abused Allison when you were together and you abuse all your friends. The only people who actually likes you are Malia and Erica, and it's only because they think that you'll give them your power or some shit like that.

Sc:I will never abuse Allison! I love her and she loves me, you brainwashed her into thinking it wasn't true!

Al:Scott...I can think by myself! Open your eyes, you're the only one who brainwash other into thinking they need you!

Sc:That's not true Allison, you're just saying what he taugh you to! You love me, I love you, we have the right to be in love. It's not the same as that f@ggot there, he doesn't deserve love.

Al:...you do know that Stiles and I are both bi, right? Because...you insulted me as well when you said that.

Sc:You...you're not gay, you slept with me and you loved it!

Al:I'm not gay, I'm bi, I like both male and female...sorry to break your little bubble but, I didn't love doing it with you at all. Clearly you were just thinking about your own pleasure, like you always do.

Sc:You're lying, you were always screaming my name!

St:eurk, I didn't need the details Scott! I laughed but then Allison responded and I saw red!

Al:I was screaming for you to stop!? She cried out

Did she just say what I think she said?...she clearly implied that Scott raped her! Oh hell no! I'm going to fucking kill him, he dared lay his hands on Allison!?

My eyes turned purple in anger and I bolted towards Scott, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pinning him to the tree I previously send him flying.

St:Did she just said that you raped her! I asked in a low pitch voice

Sc:And what if I did? It's not like you can do anything without Derek to protect you. He responded with a smile!

St:Clearly you underestimate me... I warn

I openned my mouth for him to see my sharp teeth, there was liquide coming out of them, what he doesn't know is that this translucid liquid is the result of a really old ability that stayed in my family. It uses a good part of my magic concentrating it in drops of my own blood. It then comes up into the teeth and leave the body by small holes in them. The good thing with this technique is that most creatures can't take all this power and will be overdosed by it, they'll be paralyze, and suffer a crazy amount of pain until their body manage to get the venom out of it's blood system. The problem is that I use a lot of magic and I will be very weak for some days but it's honestly worth it.

Once I saw the fear in his eyes I immediately bit as hard as I could his shoulder so the venom would be as close to the heart as possible, he deserve to die and not just suffer for a while. When I pulled back, I could feel the warm blood around my mouth dripping down my chin. I felt my body go limp and crashing on the ground. I looked at Scott with blurry eyes, he was now on his knees, screaming in agony while grabbing his shoulder and I couldn't help but smile at the scene that was being held right in front of my eyes. Then, everything went black


Hey guys!!! Like promised here is the new chapter, I hope you liked it ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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