I'm sorry...whAT !

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Al:Here let's sit...


Al:Wait !

St:What ?

Al:...First I want to apologize for my outburst earlier , I was just surprise and a bit hurt but you have all the right to not tell me everything .

St:No Allison ,, I really want to get this weight off my shoulders . This secret has been hidden from the people I love for way too long...

Al:Are you sure ?


Al:I know I was quite harsh and pushy and I don't want you to tell me something if you're not ready to

St:I really want to tell you Allison , I've wanted to for a while and...I think that now is the time my last secret , the most secret of all...and it's finally revealed , I'm happy you're the first I'll tell

Al:I'm the first one you ever tell this !?

St:Well..yeah , I laughed akwardly . I was happy that Allison apologize for forcing me into this , I can't really be mad at her because at least it gives me an excuse to finally tell her who I really am . And it could be worst , it could've been Scott standing here , in front of me , demanding for the truth in a...not so kind way .

I just can't believe it , after so many years of almost being all alone in this...I'm finally going to tell someone that isn't my dad ! I'm scared and...also happy to finally get this weight off my heart . I know she will be understanding but I can't help being worried that she might tell everyone in the pack or even worst she could tell her dad and boom ! All the hunters would be after me...what am I thinking ! It's Allison I know her , she's not this type of person she would never betray her friend and certainly not if it could end their life .

St:So I'm going to start from the very beginning...

_________hello here is a really lazy author who don't want to write the wholes life of Sticks so we're just going to skip a little bit 😅👍 , anyway how's your day going ? What ? You don't care , you just want to read what happens next ? Ok here it is___________

St:And that's why I decided to show up during your patrols . When I looked up at Allison after finishing the story of my whole life , from my training with my mother to the little game of hide and seek that I've been playing with the pack for sometime . She looked dumbstruck , her mouth hanging open and her eyes open like balloons .

Al:W-wait...so if I recall correctly you're...the-

St:Werefox ? Yeah that's me...

Al:Why didn't you tell me sooner ! That's awesome , you can stand up to Scott with no problems...wait during one of the pack meeting they talked about the werefox having magic...don't tell me you have...

St:I do have magic...well it's more that I'm able to take my energy and modify it's shape so I can make what I want with it , I have a lot of energy so I can make multiples objects at the same time but when it's about curse or other enchantements it's a whole new story ! It actually uses so much more then my physical energy , I need to concentrate so hard on what I'm doing...but with my ADHD it has always been complicated ya know

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