what do you want ! ( Derek view )

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De:Ok so what's going to happen is that we are going to do our usual patrols and if someone sees the fox you immediately text the others and we'll try to catch him , to force him detransform and then to tell us who he is , why he saved us last night and what he is doing in our town . Understood ?

Is:Ok !




Al:Understood !

Ly:Yeah yeah whatever .

De:Stiles you , you...

St:Let me guess...stay at home , far , far away from the danger because I'm too weak to defend myself yeah yeah I get it...

Sc:it's safer for you Stiles

St:Whatever , you always say that .

After the meeting everyone went back to their houses . Around midnight I left my loft and started to run across the woods so I could reach the zone of my patrol in time . I start my researchs but nothing , no fox here . I was about to text the pack that I didn't find anything but then I saw him...the fox was right in front of me but I don't think he saw me yet . I carefully walk towards him but I walked on a stick and it broke making a sound and fuck...the fox is now looking at me . I immediately text the others to inform them that I'm with the fox .

De:He is here .

Ly:And where are you ?

De:Really Lydia we discussed about that not even half a day ago .

Ly:Yeah well I don't remember ok !

Bo:He is near the lacrosse field .

Er:The one that talks the less is the smartest , that's my boy !

Bo:Thanks Erica .

De:Shut it ! Just come here right now .

After that I put my phone in my pocket and look up again just to see that the fox is casually sitting on the ground looking at me up and down , not moving . I'm confuse why does he not move ? If he wanted to play he would've just run and wait for me to come catch him , but there he is just sitting not moving at all...he is just looking at me .

He then turned his head to the side and when I toke a quick gaze I see the rest of the pack running in our direction . I then looked back at the fox who is...smirking ? Oh of course he was waiting for the others to arrive so his little game could start .

Sc:Hey guys ! We need a plan...what are we going to do now that we found him ?

Er:We just need to catch her and then she detransforms and we ask her questions !

De:Erica it's a boy not a girl...

Er:And who told you that ? The fox maybe ?

After Erica finished her sentence we heard a laugh , we all turned our eyes back to the fox and we saw him laughing his head off .

Er:What's so funny ?

Er:You know what i'm going to ask her if she is a girl and you'll see she'll say yes !

Ly:Sure like he'll respond...

Er:Hey little one , she said while walking in the fox's direction , don't you want to tell the others that you're a beautiful girl ?

The fox laughed even harder then the first time and he then quickly said no by shaking his head from side to side . Erica walked back to us and everyone started mocking her in a friendly way while Boyd let his hand on her shoulder . I then look back at the fox who was smiling but not like earlier . It was more in a sweet way. I walk towards him...I wanted to touch his furr . It seemed so fluffy , when I was near the fox I started to pet him, his beautiful orange furr was  so soft , but when I looked up I saw the beautiful purple glowing eyes of the creature . He was looking at me and I quickly backed up a little...I...I don't know what went over me I just felt like I needed to touch him...I don't know what this fox did to me , if he cursed me or something but this isn't me ! I'm not in my right mind...I shouldn't want to smell his scent again...why would I want that ?


Thank you so much for all your comments ! Y'all are just so sweet ❤️❤️❤️

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