Derek ?

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I kept running and running but Allison just...disappeared ! She was nowhere to be seen and I seriously started panicking , what if some psycho kidnapped her ? I wouldn't have lost her if Erica didn't show up ! It seemed like admiting Scott threat triggered something inside her , I really want to understand why...then , maybe I could help her...

At this point I wasn't even near the school and I still couldn't find her . I tried to track her smell but it was covered by so many others , because of this stupid winter and my powers growing I was smelling to much at the same time . It was impossible for me to track one distinct smell . I tried calling her name , and her phone , but she didn't respond . I tried everything but , nothing ! I then realized that I can't find her on my own , and that I needed help , strangely the first person that cale in my mind was Derek and before I even knew it I was dialing his number .

De:What do you want Stiles , I'm busy .

St:Yeah I know , but-

De:Why are you out of breath ? Did you run ? Why were you running ? Is someone chasing you !? Is it Scott ?!

St:Geez ! Calm down sourwolf , I'm not chased by anyone or anything , I mean yes I'm hunt down , but that started wayyyyy back , the minute I was born actually . Here's what I wanted to say but for obvious reasons I couldn't . It's just that...I kinda made Allison upset , and , she ran off . I can't find her anywhere and my dad will destroy me if I miss any classes . I can't left Allison alone tho...

De:So you want me to what ? Look for her while you go to class ?-

St:Not exactly...

De:Then what ?

St:I still got some time on my lunch break so we can look around together .


St:Uhmmm...yeah , why not ?

De:Oh...nothing .

St:Ok well , I sent you my location , I'll be waiting until you come .

De:See you later...

St:O-ok ? And just like that he hangs up .

Derek was weird on the on phone...maybe I'm just imagining things . After , maybe x five minutes I heard sticks break behind me , I acted as if I didn't heard any of it and patiently waited to act up the " oh my gosh , Derek ! You scared me " and sure enough , after a while I felt a hand on my shoulder , I rolled my eyes before jumping and turning around with a frighten face before turning it into a frown and I gave him my best " annoyed huff "

St:Derek ! You scared me half to death !? I laugh inside , yeah he suuuuuure did . And what took you so long , you're a werewolf !

De:Yeah , a werewolf not some kind of fucking fairy . I can't just pop up anywhere I want to go within seconds .

St:Is that sarcasm that I see ? Is the end of the world coming ! A sarcastic Derek , right here , in front of my eyes !

De:Oh shut up .

St:Yeah , yeah , whatever . Just do your little werewolf , not fairy , things and find my best friend .

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