Totally Not A Date

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Gon takes a deep breath, before knocking on Killua's door. On a Saturday.

Alluka opens the door for him. "Hey Gon. Come on inside."

Gon smiles at her. "Thanks, where's Killua?"

"In his room." Alluka tells him, going into her own room.

Gon hums, walking over to Killua's bedroom and opening the door. Killua looks up from his phone, laying on his bed. "Heya." Killua salutes.

"Hey." Gon shuts the door behind him and joins Killua on the bed. "Whatcha up to?"

"Memes." Killua shrugs, sitting up. He sets his phone down. "What's up witchu?"

"Bored." Gon shrugs.

"Hm..." Killua thinks for a moment. "Got any plans today?"


"Then let's go somewhere. Do something." Killua suggests. "What the fuck we'll do, I don't know."

Gon scoffs. "Are you asking me out~?" He teases.

Killua blushes bright red, eyes widening. "N-no you idiot! W-we do stuff like this all the time!"

"Mm, are you sure~?" Gon leans in closer.

Killua pushes Gon's face away, averting his eyes. "S-stop it you tease!"

"Fiiiiine." Gon rolls his eyes, backing away. He fakes pouts. "You're no fun."

"Let's just go already..." Killua gets up, hiding his expression from Gon.

Killua leaves the apartment as a fuming red mess. Gon follows him, and starts freaking out while Killua can't see.

Omigod why the fuck did I say that??! Gon scolds himself. OBVIOUSLY HE WASN'T ASKING ME OUT- WHY EVEN WOULD HE?! AND HE'S RIGHT- WE DO THIS STUFF ALL THE TIME SO WHY WOULD I SUDDENLY START TEASING HIM ABOUT IT NOW??! Shit what if he pieces it together that I like him?!

Killua unlocks his car and gets in, Gon taking the front passenger seat after he calms down.

"Where to, boss?" Gon asks.

Killua hits his head on the steering wheel. "I don't know. You're the one that decided to show up on my doorstep."

"Ah but you're the one that suggested we leave and go do something." Gon adds.

Killua scoffs. "Well yeah. There's hardly anything to do at my place."

"Oh there's plenty to do." Gon says suggestively.

Killua turns bright red, and he turns to face Gon. "Okay what is UP WITH YOU?!"


"You- you're- all morning you keep-" Killua groans. "TEASING me!"

"I did say I could out-gay you, didn't I?" Gon smirks.

Killua fumes. "Ohoho you little- fine. Fine." He sighs. This is fine. Killua will just have to tease Gon back. "Two can play at that game."

Gon furrows his eyebrows. "Wha-"

Killua leans across the center console, and grabs Gon's face. Gon's eyes widen as Killua's stare into them. Tempting.

Killua smirks and kisses Gon on the nose, leaving Gon awestruck.

"Actions have consequences, babes." Killua hops back into his seat, getting the car into gear.

If that was Killua's payback, teasing Killua is now Gon's favorite hobby.

"Hungry?" Killua asks, still driving around as they look for something to do.

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