As Gay As Short Fingernails, Vans Sneakers, And Rolled Cuffs

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Gon comes back the next morning to get Killua's homework from him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't hurt by what Killua said. But as he's learned to do on a regular basis, he forces a smile. And he knocks on their apartment door.

Alluka opens up. "Morning Gon!"

"Morning, Alluka!" Gon grins. "Is Killua awake yet?"

"Right here." Killua steps around the corner, waving his homework in his hand. "Morning."

Gon takes the homework. "I'll be back later today, see ya both then!"

Killua nods. "Yea- WAIT! Gon!"

Gon turns around. "Uhm... yeah?"

Killua blushes. "S-sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean that. I just- I-"

"Killua it's okay." Gon reassures him.

Killua shakes his head, eyes squeezed shut. "We are friends! And I'm sorry!"

Gon's eyes widen. "What?"

"Sorry I- I've never had an actual, real friend before. So I didn't know how to tell. I've always seen the worst in people and myself, so I don't trust others easily. And I ended up trusting you- which was weird to me haha- and- Uhm-"

Gon starts laughing. "Killua! You don't have to explain yourself to me!"

Killua sighs, smiling in relief. "Sorry..."

"Stop apologizing. Like I said the other day, friends are the annoying asses you can be yourself around. And I'm the epitome of that. So don't worry about what you say or do around me."

Killua smiles. "Alright... thanks. See you after school."

Gon salutes as he walks out. "See ya!"

Gon can't help feeling giddy after that. He was feeling pretty down after Killua said they weren't friends. He's glad that they are.


"Gon!" Zushi grins, clapping his hand in Gon's back. "Can't believe you're still alive! You've been going to the Zoldyck's for a while now."

Gon scoffs. "Yknow Killua's not that bad. He and I are actually good friends now."

Zushi sighs. "Only you could tame a beast such as him. Regardless, he's still a feral beast in the eyes of the rest of us. Of course Mr. Friendly would manage to make Zoldyck his friend."

Gon chuckles. "He's pretty sassy and spiteful. Sure. But he's actually-"

"Wait a damn minute!" Zushi gasps.

Gon raises an eyebrow. "Huh?"

Zushi grins, elbowing Gon. "You've fallen for him, haven't you? That's why you were so adamant about getting closer to him!"

Gon blushes bright red. "Fuck- Zu shut up! I haven't fallen for him! And in case you forgot I'm still in the closet."

"Ooh sorry. I'll quiet down." Zushi apologizes. "But seriously- why else would you want to be close to him?"

Gon shrugs. "I like having friends. If possible I'd be friends with everyone I meet. He intrigued me. I just wanted to get closer to him for the sake of getting closer to him."

Zushi scoffs. "So you had no ulterior motive?"

Gon nods. "Bingo."

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