So Let Me Get This "Straight"-

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After getting used to Killua's presence in between classes and before school, Zushi is a little less afraid of him. And Killua has also gotten used to Zushi constantly being with Gon during school, so he's a lot less harsh or intimidating around him. Since, well, he is a close friend of Gon's.

Zushi even knows that Killua's gay. Since Gon told Killua that he knows Gon's gay, Killua eventually nonchalantly said it one morning when the topic came up. Zushi was speechless, but Gon and Killua continued talking as if it's totally normal to come out of the closet during a regular conversation.

Like, imagine someone literally walking out of an actual closet so casually, and then sitting on the couch next to you. Putting their arm on the back of the couch and nonchalantly joining the conversation as if they were there the whole time. And you're the only one that realizes they in fact were there the whole time- behind the goddamn coats. And then you realize the others in the room already knew they were in the closet. So you're sitting there feeling like a dumbass.

Retz and Killua don't really like eachother, but they get along since they're both friends of Gon's. And since Retz is dating Zushi, she's one of the few girls that's not constantly ogling at Gon.

"Hey Killua." Zushi greets him, meeting up with Gon and Killua in the courtyard about an hour before school starts.

Killua nods at him. "Hey." He said coolly.

"Where's Retz?" Gon asks.

"Still asleep." Zushi scoffs. "If she wakes up this early she's moody all day."

Gon laughs a little, taking a giant ass bite out one of the melon buns he and Killua picked up from a bakery on the way there. It's almost like a snake unhinging it's jaw.

"Oi!" Killua scolds him. "Don't take such big bites you fatass!"

Gon sticks his tongue out at him. "I have a fast working metabolism. And a giant fucking mouth."

Zushi snorts, refraining from making a gay joke.

Nevertheless, Gon's face turns bright red just from the snort. He realizes how what he said could be taken especially since all parties present know that he's very, very gay.

Killua doubles over laughing. The unspoken joke heard by all three of them.

Gon grumbles, "This would be less awkward if you actually said it."

Zushi laughs. "Sorry, man."

"No, you're really not." Gon scoffs.

Killua takes deep breaths, calming himself before his appendix bursts or some shit like that from laughing too hard.

Gon, Killua, Retz, and Zushi always eat lunch in a stairwell no one ever uses. It's better than eating in the crowded cafeteria.

The first one to arrive to their secret lunch hang out, Killua sighs and opens up his lunchbox. Greeted by Gon's cooking.

Killua blushes, eating some sweet rice balls shaped like kittens. Gon still cooks for him and Alluka even though Killua's working again.

"If that's not a friend- it's a husband!"

Killua's entire face turns bright red, remembering what Alluka had said.

Was there more behind what Gon's been doing for them? He's... gay... and... overly kind and caring. As Alluka said, he's perfect husband material. If what he was doing wasn't as a friend it was...

Killua chokes on his chopsticks, and puts a hand over his throat. "Ooh. Ow." He grunts in pain.

What is he thinking, anyways? Gon's way out of his league. He's lucky enough someone like Gon would want to even be around him.

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