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Killua yawns, struggling not to fall asleep during the last class of the day. He fails, evident by the grin he wakes up to after Gon blows some air in his face and startles him awake.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Gon smiles.

"Ugh..." Killua rubs his eyes. "How... long have you been staring at me?"

"The last thirty minutes, give or take." Gon kisses his nose. "There's literally no one else at the school anymore. Other than a few teachers."

"Ugh." Killua faceplants back onto his desk.

"You're really tired. Want me to drive you home? I'll catch the metro after." Gon offers.

Killua grumbles. "Sure..."

Killua falls asleep again in the car. Wow, he's even more sleep deprived than usual, it seems. Gon drives Killua's car to get him home, walking him up the stairs to his apartment. After helping Killua to his bed, Gon takes his leave.

He calls his mom. She picks up immediately. "Hey, he there in about an hour. Had to help a friend get home first." He tells her.

"Okay, I'll see you then sweetheart. Hurry on home, we've got a lot to talk about."

Gon sighs, putting his phone in his back pocket as he walks the sidewalk towards the bus stop. He waits there until the 4:00 bus comes around, and he gets on.


It's three am, Killua's fast asleep, when he's woken up by his ring tone. Furious, he grabs at his phone to see what idiot dares to call him at such a time. Only when he sees the contact name, it's an unknown number.

For some reason, call it luck, Killua answers the phone. None other than Gon's voice comes through on the other side. "Killua?"

All anger washes away. "Hey." He says, voice groggy. "Finally got a new phone, huh?"

"I'm borrowing it- Killua I am so so so sorry for calling so late and waking-"

"T's fine." Killua yawns. "What's up?"

"I'm... I'm outside. Could you let me in?"

Killua's eyes widen. Gon was outside? This late at night? What reason could be so urgent that he came here from home at this time? Dammit, Killua should really get the guy a fucking key.

"Oh my god, seriously?" Killua gets out of bed, not caring in the slightest that he slept without pants on. He quickly gets to the front door, quietly letting him inside. "Why-"

Before Killua can ask why Gon's here, Gon embraces him tightly. His grip is firm and... desparate. "Sorry... I... just, I needed to see you." Gon whispers.

Killua furrows his eyebrows. To say he's concerned would be an understatement at this point. "Gon?" Alluka's little voice came from her bedroom, where she stands in the doorway.

Gon smiles, letting Killua free from his suffocating grip. Before Killua can see, Gon rubs his eyes and looks in Alluka's direction. He smiles at her, going over and hugging her too. Now Killua's really worried. Gon's acting strange.

"Go back to bed, Alluka." Killua orders when Gon lets her go. Alluka nods, going back to her room and shutting the door. Gon looks over at him sheepishly.

"We should sleep, too-"

Killua cuts Gon off. "What's going on?"

Gon freezes up, though he's not surprised at the question. He knew Killua would ask sooner or later. Though, he still doesn't think he can bear to tell him. Gon doesn't want to even imagine the look in Killua's eyes when he finds out what Gon's going through.

"Just... problems at home." Gon explains vaguely, lowering his gaze to the floor as he walks past Killua, to his room.

Killua closes his eyes and sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He really hates not knowing. And he follows Gon, shutting the door behind him, with no intention of giving up.

"Gon." Killua crosses his arms, leaning against the door.

Gon sits on the bed. "Killua, please." He begs for Killua to drop it.

Sitting next to him, Killua softens his tone. "I'm worried about you." He whispers. "I've got this feeling eating away inside of me because you won't talk to me about what's wrong. You're always so open about everything. So... it's scary when you're suddenly so quiet."

Gon leans forward, leaning his elbows on his knees and covering his face with his hands. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Killua cups Gon's face and makes him look at him. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Gon smiles. "I-I know. I do. It's just... hard to say. And I don't want you to..."

Killua looks at him with sympathy. "What?"

"That." Gon stands up, facing away from Killua and pacing with his hands clasped over his nose and mouth. "That look. Your voice. You, being worried. I don't want that. I don't want you to look at me like I'm-..."

Gon sinks into the other side of the mattress.

"Sorry..." He whispers again. "Can we drop this? For now?"

Killua crawls over to the other side where Gon's sitting. He wraps his arms around Gon's waist, leaning on his shoulder. "Sure, let's lay down and we can talk more in the morning."

Ik it's short ('^') srry

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