Literally Just 1989 Words of Smut

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Pure smut. Don't read if you don't want to.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Killua asks as Gon starts undressing himself while still straddling Killua.

"Not gonna lie, I'm versatile. So whatever you want." Gon tosses his shirt away.

"I wouldn't mind taking you for a ride." Killua grins, eyes traveling downwards as Gon unbuttons his pants.

"Oh?" Gon asks as Killua licks his lips of the small bit of drool that had collected.

Gon stands to take his pants off. Without the body on top of his, Killua's free to remove his own clothing. "Well," Killua starts. "I need an excuse to sleep in tomorrow morning. We've got an exam in Spanish. I still don't even know how to fucking introduce myself."

Gon laughs as Killua walks over to him, both of them naked now. Killua loops his arms around Gon's neck, and their erections rub against eachother. Once Gon's stopped laughing, he can't help but let his eyes wander a little.

"Maybe I could tutor you." Gon whispers, hands going down to Killua's waist, thumbs rubbing Killua's hips. "In Spanish, that is."

Good god if that wasn't the hottest thing.

"You speak Spanish?" Killua asks with a smirk. His fingers play with Gon's hair behind his head as they move towards the bed.

"I grew up in a bilingual household." Gon answers, kissing Killua's neck as he lays back on the bed. Killua parts his legs so that Gon can kneel between them. "Should I use a condom?" He whispers in Killua's ear.

It sends shivers down Killua's spine, all the way to his nether regions. "Nah." He takes Gon's lips in his. "Unless you've been a little whore?" He teases.

Gon blushes. "No..." He whispers. "This is my first time."

"Really?" Killua's not shocked, but a little surprised. He's never been someone's first, before. It gives him an odd sort of pride to be Gon's first. And the fact that Gon's never done this with anyone else makes Killua a little giddy. And a little guilty, knowing that he's done it with several other people in the past. "Ah..."

"Don't worry, though." Gon kisses Killua on the jawline. "I'll be gentle."

Killua chuckles. "Who ever said you need to be gentle?" He smirks, cupping Gon's face with his hands. "Once I adjust to you, big guy, you're free to be as rough as you want~"

Gon turns all sorts of shades of red.

"So, what are you waiting for?" Killua teases. "I'm yours for the taking."

"Uuuhm, got any lubricant?"

Killua nods, pointing to his desk. "In the bottom drawer, behind the old textbooks."

Gon nods, walking over to the desk. Killua watches him go, and as Gon opens the drawer and looks for the lube. He retrieves it, walking back to Killua, who's still got his legs spread.

Gon kneels before Killua and lathers the lubricant onto his fingers. He spreads the lubricant on Killua's hole, before entering one slick finger inside. Killua pants as he closes his eyes, leaning his head back. Gon pumps the one finger in and out, fishing around for that special spot. He finds it, and continues to stimulate it. Killua moans quietly, chest rising and falling with every sound.

Gon enters another finger and scissors him slowly. He makes sure to continue stimulating Killua's prostate, so there's pleasure to accompany the pain and discomfort of the scissoring.

Once Killua's stretched out enough, Gon continues for a little while longer and adds a third finger. Just for good measure. Gon spreads the lubricant on himself first, lathering it up nice and thick. Before placing himself at Killua's entrance.

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