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Gon wakes up in Killua's bed. He slept there, right. Since four am, at least. Gon notices the digital clock on Killua's nightstand reads 11 am. At least it's a Saturday.

Gon figures he should get back home. His mother will be worried, wondering where he is. Especially since he just stormed off in the middle of the night. So he slips on his shoes, and grabs his jacket.

"You're not going anywhere." Killua grabs Gon's wrist after Gon reaches for his phone on the nightstand.

"I really need to get back." Gon explains. "Mom's probably really worried."

Killua sits up. "Gon, please just tell me something about what's going on. I don't need to know the full story, but I need to know something."

Gon sighs. After showing up like he did, he supposes he does owe Killua a bit of an explanation. "My mother is suing for full custody. And she wants to move back to her hometown, in the Pacific Islands, with me. I only found out about that last part last night."

Killua's about to try and say something, but he doesn't know where to start. Before he can, Gon's phone rings.

"It's her." Gon says as he answers. "Hey... Yeah, sorry. Just needed some space to think and process everything. No I'm fine, really. I'm at a friend's house... West side, why? No, you really don't have to. I'm coming home, I was just on my way out. Really, mom it's- fine..."

Gon hangs up. "What's up?" Killua asks. He decides to ignore the fact that Gon called him a friend. Sure, they're friends. They're also boyfriends. But they're not out yet. Killua can't really blame him for not telling his mom the full truth. It didn't end so well when Killua came out to his family.

"She wants to pick me up. From here." Gon sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "She wants to know who I've been staying with so often..."

"I don't mind." Killua tells him. He wants to know more about Gon. And meeting his mom is a part of that. "Give her the address."

Gon seems hesitant, but he does so. "Sorry."

"For?" Killua asks. "It's no problem, Gon."

"No, I... said I was staying at a friend's." Gon reminds him. "I didn't-"

"You're acting weird." Killua laughs a little. "You're not usually so apologetic. It's fine, Gon. We're not out to anyone yet other than our close friends. I'm not mad or anything."

"Yeah..." Gon sighs heavily. "Guess I've just been so stressed with everything going on, I'm acting a bit different than usual..."

"Understandably so." Killua tells him. "I'm gonna clean up a bit, get ready for her to get here. Alluka's already making brunch, I'll tell her to make a fourth serving."

Gon nods, and sits down on Killua's couch. He holds his phone in front of him, twisting his lip. When his mom told him she'd try to get full custody, he didn't mind. She wasn't gonna stop him from seeing his aunt and great grandmother. She only wants to get him away from his father. Gon was totally all for it until she said she wanted to move back home with him.

She might understand if he told her about his relationship with Killua, but that could also make it worse. Gon doesn't know how she feels about that stuff. She's possessive enough as it is. Knowing Gon's got a significant other might make her panic about losing him to someone else. And if she finds out it's a boy he's with, well, Gon doesn't know how she'd react. He knows how his father reacted, though, when Gon came out to him.

Gon sighs again, running a hand through his hair. Wondering if he should risk telling her. Not yet, he thinks.

Minutes tick by, and there's a knock at the door. Killua beats Gon there, opening it for Gon's mother. Gon retracts his hand, smiling awkwardly when his mom hugs him tightly. Killua notices her rather chic, expensive looking attire. Of course, he recognized the style and could name the designer. Back when he lived with his parents, his mother being a designer herself, he was all but forced to know the world of fashion inside and out.

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