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"Dude. Stop your moping." Alluka scoffs, tossing their cat, Nanika, onto Killua's stomach as he lays across the couch.

"She thinks I'm a fake, doesn't she?" Killua grumbles, petting Nanika.

"Eh, maybe." Alluka hums.

"What was that card she gave you, by the way?" Killua sits up, holding Nanika and scratching behind her ear.

"Oh, that..." Alluka's cheeks turned a little pink. "It was a... business card. She said if I'm ever interested in modeling or designing, that I can walk into one of her offices and show this card. It's like some sort of 'golden ticket' or whatever."

"And... is that something you want to do?" Killua asks, raising an eyebrow. He's not so sure she's ready for the kinds of things that come with a spotlight.

Alluka looks down at the floor, her hands clasped in front of her. "I... think so..." She admits. "Would you be okay with that?"

"So long as it makes you happy." Killua sighs. "Just, don't be afraid to quit if it's ever too much to handle."

Alluka nods happily. "I promise! Thank you!!" She practically leaps on him, hugging him tightly while not too tightly for Nanika between them.

"Mreow..." Nanika complains, slipping away from the two.

"You scared her off, prick." Killua pouts, patting Alluka's head.

"Nanikaaaaa!" Alluka whines, reaching for the cat as it prances away. Alluka falls off the couch in her attempts to get the cat back.

"Careful." Killua comments.

"Owwww..." Alluka holds her nose.


"Oh shut up. Just cause your boyfriend isn't here doesn't mean you have to be sour all the time." Alluka whacks him on the arm. "Get your ass off the couch and do something. Don't you have any other friends to call up?"

"Mm... no." Killua groans.

"What about Retz and Zushi?"

"Hanging out with them without Gon is like eating PBJ without the J. Bland and annoying to get rid of." Killua rolls his eyes. "Or cereal without milk. Acceptable only when desparate."

"And you're not desparate?" Alluka asks.


"Well I am! Get out of the house! Your poor mood is getting contagious." Alluka pulls Killua by the arm, trying to get him up. "Get up!"

"Denied." Killua goes limp, stubbornly not moving as she drags him onto the floor.

"You're ridiculous."


"I called mom. We need to be ready to go in a couple weeks." Umeko explains. "Court is scheduled for next Friday, so as soon as that's finalized, we'll be leaving."

Gon's face drains of color. So soon? "No, mom, please-" Gon begs her. "Killua and I-"

"It's not the end of the world, Gon. You can still hang out with him when you visit your aunt." Umeko sighs, crossing her arms. "Mom said she'll have the guest apartment ready for us by the first of next month. I want everything in this place either packed up or sold off by the end of next week."

"We're engaged!" Gon blurts out, before he can second guess himself. Killua might kill him for this later. "Killua. And I. That's- that's what I've been trying to tell you!"

Umeko freezes up for a moment, taking that in. She looks at Gon with an expression that makes him instantly regret what he said. But there's no going back now. He's already dug himself a pit.

"I'm... I'm not going with you, mom." Gon states firmly despite the pit in his stomach.

"You're seventeen." Umeko took a deep breath, trying to contain herself and not scream at her son. "I am your mother, and your primary guardian. We're going back home. You cannot get married to a boy you've hardly known a year! You don't have a job, you have no idea how to sustain yourself or a family, you're a fucking minor! And I will not permit you to be in the same country as your bastard father let alone remain in the same city!"

"I'm in love with him, mom! I'm not going anywhere! You of all people know what it's like to be so head over heels for someone you'd throw everything else away!"

"And look where that got me! I won't let you make the same mistake!" Umeko shouts. "I won't let you!"

"It's not your mistake to make." Gon swallows a lump in his throat. "I love you, mom. But I can't go with you."

Umeko clenches her fists, fuming. "Gon, you're young and you're impulsive. I understand that you think this is what you want. But what you need, is your home."

"Killua... is my home." Gon tells her. "You know you can't force me to go with you, or you wouldn't be getting so worked up over this."

"Baby," Umeko reaches for Gon's hand, but he steps back. "You're smarter than this. First loves never work out. You'll regret this sooner than you think. I'm just trying to protect you from the heartbreak-"

"Even if that happens, I'd regret leaving with you even more." Gon says. "We'll make it work. Even if it's a one in a million chance for first loves to work out, we can do it. I'll do my damnedest to try."

Umeko twists her lip, forfeiting finally. "I'll... tell mom you'll be staying here, then."

Gon sighs in relief, hugging his mother without hesitation. "Thank you."

"But promise me, Gon. No matter what happens, you stay away from your father." Umeko orders him. "You'll visit me for holidays, and summers. You'll no longer keep such secrets from me, such as your fiance. I never even knew you were dating anyone. And allow me to design your wedding suits."

Gon grins, though he knows he's in for it once Killua finds out what he had to tell mom to let him stay. "Deal. Promise."

"Get packing." Umeko sighs. "You'll be moving completely into Mito's place from now on. Unless you plan on living with Killua."

I think I'll limit the bombshells to just the engagement for now. "One day." Gon says. "For now, though, I'll call Mito."

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