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3rd pov

"your highness, princess Xiangling and princess Amber have arrived." A butler named arthur said, going inside Y/n's room after knocking. the sweet 6 year old princess' eyes glimmer, quickly standing up from her seat and dashing out her room.

"Y-YOUR HIGHNESS! PLEASE DONT RUN!" Arthur panicked, quickly running to catch up, The small child was about to step down the stairs until Arthur quickly lifted the girl and sighed in relief. "my my, your highness... what if you fell down the stairs? i cant risk dying in the hands of King L/n." Arthur whispered the last sentence, shivering as he quickly started walking down.


"AMBER! XIANGLING!" y/n said in a happy tone, wiggling out of arthur's grasp as she engulfed her friends in a hug. Ah yes, the trio, she had met them when she was 4 years old. her mother, Queen L/n had a tea party with her friends, and luckily, The other queens have brought their children and y/n have gotten more close with Princess Amber and Princess Xiangling.

"lets go to the garden!" y/n smiled. "right this way." arthur extended his left hand. y/n held the 2 girl's hand, before quickly walking. they have arrived at the garden, revealing a cloth placed on the ground, ontop of it, are food and more. 

"whoaa!!" Xiangling was very excited, she skips towards the food, before sitting down first. "so many food y/n! is kaeya and bennett also coming?" amber asked as he tugged on y/n's hand to sit.

"yep!! they are also coming! but theyre late :(((  maybe they do not want to hang out with us and play." y/n frowned, looking down as amber and xiangling gasp. "y/n dont be sad! they'll be here!" amber said, caressing your hand as xiangling nodded.

"yeah! if they dont, then we'll stop being their friends!" xiangling said, her eyebrows furrowed. "cookie?" she added, offering y/n a cookie making y/n giggle, taking the cookie. amber also took one cookie as you 3 started to eat and do small chats.


the 3 girls stopped their talk, looking back to see a boy with blue hair and another boy with ash-grey hair, running towards them. they stopped, panting as y/n's eyes sparkled. "you're here! and i thought you guys didnt want to be friends with us..." y/n mumbled as bennett looked up.

"that's not true! we love being your friend! right kaeya?"


y/n smiled at them. "well come here now!" y/n grabbed their hands, settling them down with xiangling and amber and soon, the garden had laughter spreading around.


"say, why we're you guys late?" amber asked, sipping her drink. "i was playing with razor."

"and i was talking with diluc!"

y/n tilted her head to the side cutely. 

"who's razor and diluc?" y/n questioned. "razor is my friends! he's also in my adventure team!!" bennett had the biggest smiled as y/n widened her eyes. "i-i want to be in your adventure team too benny!!" y/n whined as bennett smiled shyly at the nickname y/n has given him. 

and she's the only one who calls him that. :DDD

"w-well sure!" bennett looked up at y/n who quickly cheered. "H-HEY I WANT TO BE IN IT TOO!"

"MEE TOO!!!"

bennett smiled widely at the 2 girls. "sure! the more the merrier!" he was so happy, he have always wanted an adventure team or even a squad. "lame! im not joining!" kaeya said as xiangling gasp and bennett frowned.

"why not?" xiangling asked. "it sounds childish!" 

"kaeya, we're 6 years old, of course its childish." y/n deadpanned.

"N-NO! I mean like...ugh!!!" kaeya blushed in embarrassment. "hmph! dont worry benny, we're still in your team!!" y/n said, patting bennett's hair as bennett smiled at her. "thank you y/n!" bennett quickly hugged the female as she hugged back.

"b-but, i also want to be in a team! just not that." kaeya stuttered, looking away as y/n pull away from the hug before thinking. suddenly, xiangling gasp. "oh oh! i know! how about A squad? like, just the 5 of us!" xiangling thought as everyone also gasped and nodded.


they said in chorus. "but who will be the leader? my mother said that every team or squad needs a leader..." kaeya asked as everyone went into thinking mode again. "HOW BOUT Y/N?! SHE'S VERY NICE AND KIND!" amber suggested. 

"E-EH? WHY ME?" y/n said in surprise. "I AGREE! Y/N IS VERY NICE AND KNOWS WHAT TO ALWAYS DO!" bennett raised his hand, as if it was a voting. "yeah! like the time i got my finger pricked, you were so fast in grabbing a band-aid, and you even saninize it!" xiangling stated, trying to show her finger where she was onced pricked by a rose thorn.

"its sanitize xiangling." y/n giggled, receiving an 'oh' from xiangling. "what about the time i tripped? you were so good at making it feel better, and thankfully my knee recovered!" kaeya mentioned as y/n giggled at the memory.

"you were a crybaby kaeya."


everyone laughed, including kaeya as y/n smiled. "OKAY! ILL DO IT! ILL BE YOUR LEADER!"


"its celebrate, benny!"


arthur was lowkey dying at the back at the cuteness he was witnessing.


yayyy! just a chapter about your squad! *wink wink*

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