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2nd Pov


bennett yelled out in amazement. the scene also made your jaw drop, as you watch people use their vision. there were your upperclassmen doing combat with their elemental skills as barbara squealed in excitement.

"now now your highnesses, please do not be amazed, for you will also be able to do that in the future.." Professor Liu smirked, pushing his glasses up. "its amazing right?" xingqiu said, beside you with a small smile as you nodded.

"indeed it is, prince xingqiu." you covered your mouth, giggling. "stop flirting." chongyun rolled his eyes as xingqiu laughed. "this is merely a normal conversation, chongyun." xingqiu stated. "sure it is." chongyun mumbled, arms crossed as he tsked. 

"are you perhaps mad? lets say...jealous? that you think im stealing your xingqiu?" you teased as chongyun widened his eyes. "NO! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING-" chongyun tried defending himself in any way he can that made you burst out of laughter.

"PFFTT-HAHAHA- I-IM SORRY FOR BEING RUDE B-BUT HAHAHA" you covered your face with your hands, as chongyun furrowed his eyebrows, cheeks flushed. "what are you laughing about, princess y/n?" venti popped behind you, tilting his head as you cleared your throat, composing yourself.

"ahh, im sorry. its just that, prince chongyun was quite funny trying to defend himself. do not worry prince chongyun, for i was only teasing you." you gave him a close eyed smile as chongyun's ears went red and looked to the side.

"your laugh is so cute, you should laugh more, but it should be because of me." venti pouted as you nodded. "then try your best to make me laugh then." you gave him a half smile as venti jokingly saluted. 

"yes maam!" 

kaeya suddenly pulled you away, frowning. 

"dont socialize to much, you'll find friends and leave us." kaeya muttered as you rolled your eyes at his childish behavior. "oh kaeya~ your so full of shit." 

(flashback of albedo's VA saying something similar to that... uhhh- HJKASDHKSH)

"thats mean!!!" kaeya whined childishly as you waltz towards razor and a blonde person.

"hey razor and- oh? prince albedo?" you asked as albedo turned, he gave you a gentile smile, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it. "indeed i am. hello princess y/n." albedo stood straight.

"hello to you too, prince albedo, i see your also in the same class as me, thats delightful, considering how grateful i am for the thing you did at the ball." you smiled as he chuckled, nodding. 

"gotta take my chances, am i right? and i did not want to let a beautiful person like you stand in the center of the dance floor alone." albedo spoke as you felt your heart warm up. "that was, so...nice of you." 

"is y/n and albedo ignoring razor?" 

you and albedo flinched, turning to razor who was frowning. "a-ah! im sorry razor!" you stuttered, patting his head who leaned into your touch. "razor forgives y/n." razor grinned. "awe, thank you raz-"

"but razor does not like albedo." 

you raised an eyebrow. 

"eh? why?" you asked. "if y/n talks with albedo, y/n ignores me." razor mumbled, looking down. "its not like that razor, we just decided to catch up, isnt that right, prince albedo?" you turned around to face albedo who just hummed.

"yeah, now ill be taking my leave, princess y/n, prince razor." albedo bowed as you nodded. albedo walked towards razor, leaning to whisper something. after that, razor's eyes widened, his expression went from calm to anger.

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