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Ollata (brrha!)
Take me to the top ollata
Take me to the top ollata

- TA by Stray Kids

"Hi there! You must be the man who's terrorizing our mafia and their friends! I'm Taeyong, not so nice to meet you!" Taeyong said cheerily as he jumped down and looked around the office.

He stopped on Doyoung for a second longer before turning to face Dai.

"Kind of pathetic really. Anyways, this whole hostage and death threats thing isn't really going to work with me so I'll give you two options."

"Either you tell me who you work for and everyone involved in this willingly, or you tell me who you work for and everyone involved in this unwillingly."

He pulled out a knife and pointed it to Dai's cheek, breaking the skin just enough for a small drop of blood to seep through.

"What's your choice sir?" He whispered lowly.

Doyoung gulped while watching Taeyong handle the dirty chief.

The way he walked and held the knife was absolutely... hot. Especially when he held a second of eye contact with him.

He shouldn't be thinking that way since he was apart of the law force and the male was a criminal but dang, never in his life had he seen someone so stunning.

Maybe he was a little bit touch starved since he had been forbidden from dating while working as an undercover agent, but could you really blame him?

Dai gulped and touched his finger to his face as he wiped the blood. "I-I guess I'll choose willingly."

Taeyong smiled. "Great! Now, hurry up because I'm a little sleepy."

"I-I don't report to anyone, and everyone else who is involved in this is either dead, gone because I only hired them once, or don't know anything."

The younger male blinked a few times before turning back to face the other eight males in the room.

"He's a little daft isn't he?"

Doyoung and Ten chuckled and the mafia leader smiled.

"Anyways, let's wrap this up." He said as he pulled out a gun and pointed it to Dai's head.

"Woah woah woah! You're just going to kill me?"

Taeyong looked at him confused. "I mean, yes? What did you expect? Do you see that cut on Sicheng's throat? That was one of your men."

"Not to mention the bit of blood dripping from... what's your name?" He asked as he looked at the second youngest in the room.


"From Chenle's neck. Betting that's your fault too. You'd be quite dense to assume I'd let you walk free so, goodbye Dai!"

With that, a single gunshot echoed through the room as the man dropped dead onto the floor.

"Whew, he was quite annoying. Idiotic too for someone who apparently ran such a large organization."

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