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They might drive you
half insane but
It's killing you to stay
the same but
It's all gonna work out
It's all gonna work out

- Changes by Lauv

Jaehyun was pissed.

Very, very pissed.

What was he pissed about? Well, Doyoung.

But more than that, he was pissed at himself.

Ever since he came back from America, he had noticed his boyfriend was very often being a little too close to Doyoung for his liking.

They were constantly together and it did not feel the best to a naturally over-possessive person like him.

But even worse, whenever Jaehyun would look at Doyoung's smile or hear his laugh, he would stop being mad at either of the two males.

It was stupid.

He was supposed to be annoyed that the new guy was getting so close to his boyfriend, and he was supposed to be mad at his boyfriend for being so close to someone that wasn't him.

So why wasn't he?

"Uh, hey, you okay hyung?" Jeno asked cautiously as he approached the older male.

The young mafia leader had been rolling his pen around in his hand with an annoyed look on his face for a long period of time while sitting in his office.

Jeno had just come to deliver a few reports that Mark had when he noticed how distracted the elder looked.

Jaehyun snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at the assassin who was staring at him with a questioning look.

He sighed and put his pen down as he rubbed his temples. "Not really."

Jeno set the papers down on Jaehyun's desk and sat down in the chair across from the distressed man.

"Want to talk about it?"

Jaehyun looked up at the ceiling while leaning back in his chair. "I don't even know what I would be taking about. Everything's confusing for me right now."

"Like what? I don't think anyone new has started targeting us right?"

"No, fortunately not."

Jeno let out a small huff as he thought about what else could be troubling the male.

"Is it the new members? I think they're pretty cool right?"

Jaehyun nodded. "Yeah, they're... cool."

Jeno tilted his head. "There was a pause there. Is something wrong with one of them? "

Jaehyun sighed again. "Not, well, not really I guess. I don't really know what's happening either."

Jeno leaned back in the chair thinking as Jaehyun started twirling his pen again.

He suddenly sat up and snapped his fingers. Jaehyun raised an eyebrow as he looked at the younger's triumphant face.

"I got it! Doyoung hyung has been getting too close with Taeyong hyung and your possessive ass is jealous."

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