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Explain yourself, girl,
why so cruel?
The way you kiss it,
oh so rude
You got me up from dark till noon
Don't take my breath away
too soon
My girl, yeah

- Kiss Me by DPR LIVE

"Alright. I'll... I'll go in." Doyoung said as he walked to the door.

"Do you want us to wait out here?" Sicheng asked softly.

Doyoung shook his head. "No, I've already bothered you two enough." He said as he gave them a weak smile.

The couple was worried but left anyways, knowing that Doyoung was capable enough to take care of himself.

Doyoung took in a breath. His hands trembled as he remembered the terrible fight he had with his ex-girlfriend.

He shook the thoughts away and knocked, pushing open the door.

He walked into the room, and immediately noticed that both Taeyong and Jaehyun were in the room. Not only that, but they were staring at him very intently.

"Here's the info Mark could gather for the next mission." He said softly as he set a flash drive on Jaehyun's desk.

The two didn't say anything and instead continued to stare at him.

"Um," Doyoung said as he nervously stepped back. The two's stares were starting to pierce through his soul and he felt intimidated.

"I-I'll be leaving now." He said as he turned around, wanting to get out of the suffocating environment.


Doyoung turned his head back as Taeyong stood up from the couch and walked towards him.

When the older male didn't stop walking, Doyoung moved back until his back hit the wall and Taeyong placed his hands on either side of the male, trapping him.

The ex-spy's mind started flying in all different directions as he stared at the man in front of him and he gulped.

"Tae, y-your boyfriend is right there."

The said male chuckled deeply and looked back at Jaehyun. "Alright then Doie. Jae, do you care?"

The leader smirked from where he was sitting and he walked over to the two.

He pulled Taeyong away from Doyoung and kissed him deeply before letting him step aside so he was now standing right in front of Doyoung with a grin.

"Not at all." He looked at Doyoung's wide eyes and blush and he smiled sweetly as he lifted his chin with his finger, giving him a small kiss.

He gave him a little smirk and switched places with Taeyong again.

"Did you like that little show Doie?" The male asked in a seductive voice.

"I-I um, it was, well it was very-" Taeyong placed a finger to the younger's lips and stared at them.

He wanted to taste them again so bad.

"I think that's a good enough answer baby. You want to be the one doing that with us again?"

"Like the night of my birthday hm?"

Doyoung's face turned red as he looked away, eyes landing on Jaehyun who stared at them with a satisfied grin.

He bit his lip softly and Taeyong smirked. That was enough answer.

"Great. Jae, you don't mind right?"

Jaehyun let out a small huff. "Impatient as always baby. No I don't mind, I love seeing the two of you together."

"You like seeing t-" Doyoung couldn't finish his sentence as Taeyong leaned in and captured his lips.

Their kiss started slowly at first but quickly progressed as the older male slid his tongue inside the younger's mouth.

They made out for a while before Taeyong finally pulled away with a satisfied smirk.

"You want to play with Jae too Doie?" He asked with a sweet smile.

He pushed the younger towards Jaehyun softly, the youngest catching him easily.

Doyoung let out a small noise of surprise as he rested against Jaehyun's chest.

The younger smiled down at the ex-spy. His lips were red and swollen, cheeks flushed and beautiful.

"Want to take this upstairs?" He asked in a low voice.

"Sounds good to me." Taeyong responded. "Doie? Are you comfortable with that?"

Doyoung wordlessly nodded, still shocked about everything that had happened since he entered the room.

Without another word, Jaehyun picked the older up bridal style as Taeyong walked in front of them to their room.

Thankfully on the way there, they encountered no one that would tease them.

When they got into the bedroom, Jaehyun placed Doyoung on the bed softly and got on top of him.

"Now it's our turn to play." He said as he connected their lips.

The two moved in sync as Jaehyun slid his tongue into the older's mouth, heating up the make out session even more.

He snaked his arm under the small of Doyoung's back and traced his fingers up and down under the male's shirt, making him arch his back upwards.

He let out a surprised moan as he felt a hand press against his crotch, and he opened his eyes slightly to see Taeyong palming him with a small smirk.

"Enjoying this Doie?" He asked seductively.

The said male couldn't respond as he felt Jaehyun's hands slide under his shirt, roaming all over his bare torso.

Instead, he arched his back even more as he let out a needy moan. Everything at the moment was very hot.

Jaehyun's tongue shoved down his throat, the same man's hands all over his body, and Taeyong eagerly palming him from below.

All thoughts of logic and talking first went out the window, and the only thing the three of them could feel at the moment was each other.

Doyoung's mind was clouded by what was happening at the moment and he felt good.

He knew that they should all talk first but ever since Taeyong's birthday, he wanted this again. That night was the best he had ever felt in a long time.

Taeyong left to get something from the dresser, and Jaehyun moved lower on his frame, starting to suck on his neck harshly.

Doyoung let out another moan as he wrapped his legs around the younger.

He arched upwards again to grind himself against Jaehyun, and they both let out groans.

When Jaehyun finally got off of him, Doyoung saw Taeyong standing in front of him with a few things he never thought he would see in his life.

"Are those chains?"


Hey guys :) Lmao this isn't the end of it so I'm giving you a heads up into the next chapter if you're uncomfortable.

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