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Under under under
Under under under
Aleumdaun sillues
Gammiloun Voices
Naleul michige haji Umm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)

- Idea by Taemin

Ten, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Yuta and Renjun were currently waiting in the foyer of the mansion for Doyoung,

They were going on another mission today and were about to leave to the club they were assigned to be meeting at.

"Doyoung! Are you ready? We have to leave soon!" Ten shouted as the said male came rushing down the stairs.

"Sorry! I just had to grab something!" He said with a smile.

Jaehyun and Taeyong watched carefully as Doyoung put on his shoes.

The male was wearing a loose button up dress shirt with a pair of leather pants and a chain hanging on his hip.

His hair was fluffy and parted through the middle in a flattering way, and he had a pair of silver earrings with a matching necklace.

Too top it all off, Jungwoo had helped him put on some light makeup earlier, which accentuated all of his features.

In short, he looked absolutely stunning.

They looked him up and down, Taeyong biting his lip  softly and Jaehyun poking his tongue in his mouth with his arms crossed.

The two didn't even bother trying to hide the fact that they were blatantly checking him out.

Doyoung turned his attention to the two leaders and blushed once he saw how they were looking at him.

Ten rolled his eyes and looked at the couple as well.

Everyone else in the room was staring at the three leaders with mischievous smiles, trying their best not to burst out in laughter.

"Get going you two and stop checking him out."

Doyoung hit Ten's arm with a light gasp. "They weren't checking me out! They're dating! You'll make them uncomfortable Ten." He quickly said as his cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

Jaehyun and Taeyong just looked at each other before walking away, everyone else on the mission rolling their eyes as they followed suit to the vehicle they were using.

"Oh Doyoung. Sometimes I wish you weren't so dense, but it makes watching this show all the more fun." Ten said as he put his hands on the ex-spy's shoulders.

"Now we have to go, so get your ass in the car please!" He said cheerfully as he dragged him out of the door.

The mission for today had two parts to it. The first part was for Jaehyun, Doyoung and Taeyong.

They were discussing a trade with a mafia very familiar to them, EXO.

The meeting was only supposed to be for a little while to go over a few details for a weapons shipment coming to Seoul soon.

While that was happening, Ten and Yuta would be on the other side of the club, eliminating the leader of a small gang that had decided trying to tamper with one of their previous shipments was a good idea.

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