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Turning up the party, now
Haneuren naebari,wow
Saramdeureun ha ha,high
Nae gwitsogeneun la la, loud
Nunbusyeo, baby
Ijomyeong, shining
We're in love with this

- Drunk-Dazed by ENHYPHEN

A little bit of hot sauce ;)

Taeyong and Jaehyun lied on their bed, simply staring into space for a while with their hands interlaced.

They were both drunk, the older being a little more tipsy than the other.

Suddenly, Taeyong thought of something.

"Hey," he slurred as he looked over at Jaehyun. "You know I'm a switch right? It's just that you're a top so I always bottom."

"Really? Huh. That's funny." Jaehyun responded.

Taeyong sat up, slightly offended. "What, you don't think I could ever top you?"

The younger chuckled and shook his head, making Taeyong huff before an idiotic and playful smile took over his expression.

"You know who would be fun to top?"

Jaehyun hummed in question.

"Doyoung." He said with a lopsided smile.

Jaehyun, being intoxicated, didn't properly process what his boyfriend said. He thought for a second before nodding his head in agreement. "He's cute when he's flustered. I'd love to top him too."

This night was filled with strange conversations.

Just outside the door, Doyoung blushed furiously after hearing that, and he bit his lip while shaking his head.

"No," he whispered to himself. "They're drunk. They don't know what they're talking about. I'll just leave."

He himself was also a little drunk, so he didn't hear the sounds of the conversation inside stopping and someone walking to the door.

He turned around and was about to walk away when the bedroom door was suddenly flung open and Doyoung was dragged inside.

His eyes widened as he was thrown softly on the bed, Taeyong immediately back-hugging him as Jaehyun stood in front of them.

"H-hey Jae." Doyoung said with a weak smile. "You left your phone downstairs so I brought it here for you." He said as he held out the device.

Jaehyun grabbed it and placed it on the bedside table.

"So," Taeyong started, making Doyoung flinch since he didn't realize how close the man had gotten to his neck.

"You heard our conversation Doie?" He asked as he breathed on the younger's neck.

He could feel Doyoung tense under him and he smirked.

"Answer him." Jaehyun said softly as he lifted Doyoung's chin up.

The male gulped and looked down with a blush. "Y-yes." He whispered, hoping the two wouldn't hear it but they did anyways.

"Do you want to test our theory out?" Taeyong said as he wrapped his arms tighter around the male's torso.

Doyoung sucked in a sharp breath. He had been staring at this exact couple since he first joined Neo Tech, always hoping to be right next to them and sharing the affection they held for each other.

Now that it was really at that point, he was frozen.

All he did was give them a nod before the fun started.

He couldn't move at all as he felt Taeyong slip his hands under his shirt.

He gasped at the cold feeling and leaned into the older male's touch, arching his back slightly.

Jaehyun smiled at the two and leaned down, meeting his lips with Doyoung's.

He bit the older's bottom lip softly and entered his tongue into the male's mouth.

The kiss tasted like alcohol and birthday cake, but neither of them minded as their tongues fought for dominance.

Right behind Doyoung, Taeyong was satisfied too as he sucked on the man's nape, dotting hickeys all over his smooth, pale skin.

Doyoung moaned softly, making the other two males eager to hear more sounds.

But just when they were about to go further, a knock sounded at the door.

None of the three snapped out of it until the door opened to reveal Yuta and Sicheng standing in the doorway with very shocked expressions.

Doyoung gasped upon seeing them and quickly wiggled out of Taeyong's hold as he stumbled up from the bed.

"W-well I should go to sleep now bye guys!" He said quickly, rushing out the door before anyone could stop him.

Yuta and Sicheng blinked a few times and turned back to the couple on the bed, who just gave them a shrug.

"You two going to chase after him?" Yuta asked.

"Tomorrow." Jaehyun said as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Why not right now?" Sicheng asked.

"Come on. We all know him. You really think he'll open the door? If he was then we would already be in his room punishing him for running away." Taeyong said as he flopped back onto the bed.

Sicheng and Yuta hummed in response with a short cough.

"Besides, we're all still drunk." Jaehyun said from the bathroom.

"What Jae said. By the way, why are you two here?" Taeyong asked in curiosity as to why they interrupted the leaders' fun.

"Oh. We just wanted to tell you that Jisung lit a small fire in the kitchen but that's not important anymore."

Taeyong sat up quickly. "He what?" He yelled as he got up, rushing to the door.

"Woah woah woah." Sicheng said as he stopped the male.

"You really think if it was that serious we wouldn't be down there? Kun ge already put it out. We just wanted to tell you that it happened."

Taeyong sighed and went back over to the bed.

"So, are we going to talk about what Sicheng and I just saw or?" Yuta said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Tomorrow." Taeyong said with a yawn. "I want to sleep right now."

The couple sighed at the denied gossip but left with small goodbyes anyways.

Next they tried knocking on Doyoung's door, but as expected he didn't answer.

Inside the room, the ex-spy was trying to convince himself that he didn't do what he just did.

"It was just a drunk escapade. They were drunk, I was drunk. I still am drunk. They'll have forgotten it by tomorrow. Hell, I'll probably have forgotten it by tomorrow. Calm down." He repeated to himself as he got into his bed.

"Yeah, I'll just avoid them if they don't forget. Simple as that."

With that final idiotic plan in mind, Doyoung went to sleep.


Hey guys :) Some development, or not for Doyoung lol.

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