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I'll give you my lo lo lo love
I'll give you my love
I'll be your boyfriend
I'll give you my blo blo blo blood
I'll give you my blood
I'll be your boy boyfriend

- Let Me In (20 Cube) by ENHYPHEN

Taeyong and Jaehyun were annoyed.

Very annoyed, and also worried.

Doyoung had been avoiding them for more than a week since they made out in the couple's bedroom on Taeyong's birthday.

They thought that the day afterwards, things would go smoothly but it was almost the exact opposite.

Taeyong fluttered his eyes open as he looked around the room. He was a bit hungover from yesterday but it wasn't very major, nothing he hadn't felt before.

He turned around to face Jaehyun, who was still sleeping peacefully.

He blew on the younger's face softly and the man woke up with a soft groan.

"Good morning Jae." Taeyong said with a smile.

Jaehyun yawned and pulled the older male closer to him. "Good morning baby."

Taeyong smiled and closed his eyes, content with the warmth he was feeling.

He was going through all of the events and presents he had gotten yesterday, when he suddenly remembered Doyoung.

"Jae," he started slowly. The younger man hummed and he continued.

"You remember what, happened yesterday?" He asked carefully, afraid that Jaehyun might have done everything under the influence of alcohol.

"Yes." He responded as he looked up at his boyfriend.

"So..." Taeyong trailed off, not completely sure what to say.

Fortunately, he didn't have to say anything as Jaehyun started the pressing conversation off for them.

"Tae, I hope you don't feel unimportant, because you are and always will be my top priority. But, I think I have feelings for Doyoung as well."

Taeyong paused for a few seconds, not believing luck was really on his side like this.

He breathed out a small sigh of relief. "That's great. I feel that way too Jae. I love you, really I do. But I like him as well. And I kind of wish he was with us right now."

Jaehyun nodded in agreement. "We'll get there. But it shouldn't be too hard, he wasn't very drunk last night and he still gave us consent."

Well, the couple was definitely right about Doyoung liking them back. However, they were wrong when they thought it would be easy.

Every time they tried to talk to him, he would come up with a clever excuse to leave.

If he was ever left in a room with one of them or god forbid both, he would pretend he was just passing by or pull out his phone and quickly escape.

The two knew exactly why he was acting like this, so they decided to give the male time by himself to figure things out until they tried to do anything.

Although, after a week it was getting harder and harder to let the male just run around and avoid them.

Taeyong and Jaehyun were getting more and more impatient the longer Doyoung decided to avoid them.

Not only them, but everyone else in Neo Tech was tired of seeing Doyoung run away from the couple every time they would get within ten feet of him.

As the three leaders and unofficial parents of the group, everyone one of the mafia members were always keeping an eye on the development on their relationship.

Ever since the five ex-N Culture spies joined and Doyoung started getting closer Taeyong and Jaehyun, the rest of the men always anticipated every time they got closer, as if they were observing a drama.

After Yuta and Sicheng had obviously told everyone what had happened on the night of Taeyong's birthday, everyone tried to push the three together.

However, they were no match for Doyoung's stubbornness and denial.

They pulled at their hair in frustration every day. Doyoung always avoided the other two leaders like the plague and Taeyong and Jaehyun were too considerate to just pin him against a wall and confess.

Instead they were giving him time to figure out his feelings, which was nice, but extremely infuriating to onlookers.

They still tried their best to get the three to at least talk to each other in more than just a "hi" and "hello".

But unfortunately for them and fortunately for Doyoung, he was good at evading the two and had been doing pretty well.

Although, that definitely didn't stop him from thinking about the two.

He still continued to observe them from afar, and their kiss would never get out of his head unless he went on a mission.

But even then, when he was on missions, the other members would never give him a break with their teasing and nagging.

The only time he ever had to interact with the couple was when he said a stiff hello or had to report information from his missions, but he would either place a file on Jaehyun or Taeyong's desk when they weren't there or ask a favor from another member of Neo Tech.

But again, whenever he thought about them, he almost collapsed inside. Not only because of their physical touch and how Doyoung wanted to feel it again, but also because of how the two made him feel inside.

He missed cooking with Taeyong everyday, and he missed having daily talks with Jaehyun, usually in the practice rooms.

He hadn't noticed it before, but Doyoung was pretty lonely without the two.

Of course, he still hung out a lot with Yuta, they had been best friends since they were literal children after all.

But, it wasn't the same as hanging out with two people he liked.

He wanted to be with them again. But, something else tugged at his brain every time he thought he was brave enough to talk to them.

And that was, that it would be awkward.

Even worse than the two being mad at him if it had turned out to be a drunk escapade, Doyoung didn't want their relationship to be awkward with each other.

More than just him being awkward with the other two leaders, he definitely didn't want to mess with their relationship with each other.

After all, he was only a third person, and their relationship was more important.



Hey guys :) Sorry for not updating yesterday but here's a new chapter!

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