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Play play play play play
I'll play
in the Paris
Stay clay sketch dirt dough
I'm gonna
knead your body

- Baby Don't Stop by NCT U

A lot of spice so skip if you're uncomfortable ~

Doyoung sat against the headboard of the bed, his hands chained up as he looked ahead at Taeyong and Jaehyun.

"Are you okay with this?" Taeyong asked softly as he placed a hand on the younger's cheek.

Doyoung nodded. "Yes, I'm okay." He answered softly.

"Okay, be loud for us then Doie." He said with a smirk as he moved back. Doyoung blushed and nodded again as he looked over at Jaehyun.

Before he could say anything, the younger pushed a finger in him, making Doyoung gasp in surprise.

The feeling was sudden, and he threw his head back as the male inserted another finger, stretching him in a scissoring motion.

The older cringed at the uncomfortable feeling at first, but soon he started feeling more pleasure than pain and he rolled his hips against Jaehyun's fingers.

"Mmh, so needy baby." Jaehyun said as he watched the male push himself against his fingers.

Doyoung whined as Jaehyun pulled his fingers out, but the younger shut him up with a passionate kiss.

Soon, without warning, Jaehyun had already entered him.

"Aah..." He breathed out as he threw his head back.

Doyoung bit his lip as he tried to keep in his noises but he failed and almost screamed in pleasure as he felt the younger thrust into his prostate.

"Fuck..." He moaned as the person switched and suddenly Taeyong was inside of him instead as Jaehyun sucked on his neck.

Doyoung couldn't feel anything else but pleasure as the two leaders went at it, filling his up to the brim and making him let out every kind of noise imaginable.

When he felt Taeyong thrust particularly deep, he buried his face in his shoulder as he tried to suppress the urge to scream.

"Why are you covering your mouth Doie?" Taeyong asked as he continued thrusting. "I thought I said be loud for us."

Doyoung never knew being called that nickname would make him feel so flustered inside.

Jaehyun turned the older's face back to face the both of them and kissed him, feeling hard again as Doyoung's moans sent vibrations into his mouth as well.

"Fuck, you look so pretty." Jaehyun praised as he caressed Doyoung's cheek.

The male couldn't even respond as he was too distracted by what Taeyong was making him feel.

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