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Mijimijiui seomeul chaja
follow us (Follow us)
haryureul geonneo
where we go?
Don't be care bout that
We're fish fish like
Ttero danilsurok
Padoga chilsurok padadadak
Carry on now

- Wave by ATEEZ

"You're a good aim."

Doyoung flinched as he turned to the door quickly and clutched his heart.

He let out a breath and closed his eyes before opening them again and glaring at Jaehyun.

The younger simply chuckled as he saw how Doyoung reacted.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you like that. Really." He defended.

"I know, it's fine." Doyoung said as he set the gun on the rack where it had been originally stored.

"You seemed a little troubled when you were shooting bullets at that poor mannequin earlier. Everything okay?" Jaehyun asked as he got closer to the elder, completely forgetting what he was in there for.

Doyoung blushed. "Oh, it's nothing. Just, thinking about life I guess."

That was a lie.

The real reason was because he was getting overwhelmed by himself. He had recently come to terms with the fact that he had a crush on both leaders of Neo Tech.

Except, the said leaders were both taken.

By each other.

So, now he was stuck in an endless pit of regret of his own feelings and he wanted to get rid of them as fast as possible.

Lingering and distracting romantic feelings were never a good idea when you are part of a mafia.

"You sure it's nothing? You can talk if you want you know."

Doyoung thought for a second.

He'll never know it's them right?"

He sighed and sat down on a bench. Jaehyun sat next to him and the older man started talking.

"Well... I was just thinking of my crushes." He started as he looked over at the younger.

Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows. "Crushes now?" He teased.

Doyoung giggled. "Yeah. They um, were from N Culture." He said.

Jaehyun didn't know why, but when Doyoung said that, something in his heart dropped.

Just the slightest little bit.

"What were they like?" He asked.

"Well," Doyoung said as he thought about a non-obvious way to describe Taeyong and Jaehyun.

"One of them is, really sweet. He always makes sure I'm comfortable and he helped through a bad argument once."

Jaehyun nodded. "And the other one?"

"The other one? Well, he's what you would expect the protagonist in any love story to be like. He's nice, funny, and he has a beautiful smile."

"They both have a beautiful smile. And, they're both hot as hell."

Jaehyun nodded as he leaned back against the bench. The descriptions sounded vaguely familiar but since he couldn't exactly place who it was, he decided to drop it.

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