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No damsel in distress,
don't need to save me
Once I start breathin' fire,
you can't tame me
And you might think
I'm weak without a sword
But if I had one,
it'd be bigger than yours

- Kings & Queens by Ava Max

"Everybody get to my office please!" Taeyong yelled through the intercom.

There was a new mission to be completed and the parts were to be sorted out tonight.

One by one, everyone trickled into the room. Once everyone was present, Taeyong started explaining.

"Alright! We have a new mission. This is a weapons deal with a very dangerous and rather eccentric dealer, so we need to be careful."

Everyone gave nods for the rundown and the leader continued. "His name is Alex, and he's a part of the Park mafia. We will be meeting him at a club downtown called Ecstasy Nights."

He looked around before turning towards Doyoung and continuing.

"Doyoung, as always, you will be going undercover to discuss the trade. You will have Jaehyun with you to discuss but mainly as protection."

"This is a pretty big mafia, but they are pretty unorganized and are basically the living epitome of quantity over quality."

"We will take probably half of us, maybe a bit more but the rest will just be at home."

The mafia gave a notion of understanding and Taeyong continued.

"So for roles, Ten and Jaemin, you two will be scattered around the club, trying to distract as many Park mafia members as possible."

The pair nodded and already started planning outfits and tactics in their heads as they looked at each other.

"This goes for everyone, all of the Parks will be wearing a gold rose pin on their right breast, that's how you know who to distract and who to target if it comes down to it."

"Renjun, since the Park's technology isn't that advanced, you'll be staying here and getting us remote access to whatever gadgets they have, if necessary. But only if I give an order."

The hacker nodded and the leader turned back to the rest of the mafia.

"Jeno and Johnny, you two will be stationed near the club to be watching. If anything goes wrong, take down as many people as possible and Jaehyun will handle Alex."

"I will be in a small van nearby watching through cameras and giving orders through our earpieces, I'll need Mark with me to keep watch just in case if that's okay."

Mark nodded and pulled out his knife to check if it needed sharpening.

"And finally, Yuta, Sicheng, Lucas, Jungwoo, Chenle, Jisung, Kun and Taeil hyung, you eight will be staying here along with Renjun."

Everyone cleared their roles and listened for final announcements from their leaders.

"The nine not in the mission, I think we've done enough missions for you to know what we do every time but I'll repeat it anyways."

"Keep a speaker in the living room connected to an earpiece, please stay close to it and be on standby in case anything goes wrong."

"Already have it." Taeil said.

"Great. Anyone not on the mission can leave, I have a few last details for the ones who are." Taeyong said as the nine members headed out of the room.

"Alright guys. Last little bits." He said as he clapped his hands together.

"The Park mafia comes in branches. This is the only branch in South Korea, and they are run by Alex."

"Despite being really big, this branch is one of the weakest ever since Alex descended their throne. The mafia is very divided, so if anything goes wrong, get Alex first."

"If we have him, no one will try to attack us, because he is the only person they listen to."

"Got that? If things go south, especially for Doyoung and Jaehyun since you'll be the closest to him, get Alex."

Everyone nodded and they went over the plan one last time before dispersing to get ready for their mission.

Two days later, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Mark, Johnny, Ten, Jaemin and Jeno were heading towards the club.

The first car held Jaehyun and Doyoung who were riding in a small, expensive sedan with Johnny disguised as the driver.

Ten and Jaemin were driving their own small and fancy vehicle that would let them blend in with other club-goers, and Taeyong, Mark and Jeno were in the last small van with the main equipment.

"Okay, can everyone hear me?" Taeyong's voice crackled through the earpiece as Doyoung's and Jaehyun walked through Ecstasy Night's front doors.

A chorus of small affirmatives chimed through the earpieces and the mission was officially in place.

As the two approached the private table, Alex smiled brightly and stood up. "Jaehyun, Doyoung! You're finally here! Have a seat and drink some champagne!"

Doyoung chuckled as he sat down. "We're okay Alex. Let's just get started."

The mafia leader dropped his smile and pouted as he sat down across from them. "Why are you in such a rush? Are you trying to cheat me on this deal?"

He leaned forward with a psychotic grin plastered on his face. "I'll kill you if you are."

Doyoung gave him a small and polite smile. "I assure you we aren't Alex. We are very loyal and committed to this deal, just as much as you are." He said, trying to calm down the eccentric male that was clearly a little messed up.

"Good solving Doyoung. Be careful, I told you he's rather special." Taeyong said through the earpiece as he checked on Jaemin and Ten through the club's cameras.

"Well alright. But you know what happens when you cross me boys." He said as he poured a glass of champagne for himself.

He offered some to Doyoung and Jaehyun but they refused, politely this time so to not make the man mad.

Halfway through the deal, Jaehyun decided to go to the restroom.

When he got back, he was met with a rather unfortunate sight. Alex and Doyoung were both gone, and so were the guards.

He practically flew outside and located the van Neo Tech had driven to the club.

He ran inside and was met by Taeyong, Johnny, Jeno and Mark stressing and talking amongst themselves hurriedly.

Taeyong and Mark were both huddled over laptops while exchanging information back and forth with each other.

When Jaehyun burst in, all four heads turned his way.

"Where the fuck is Doyoung?"


Hey guys :) A little chapter before I decide to go to sleep, aka stay awake in bed for another hour or two on my phone.

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