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Eonjenga i hamseong
meojeulttaestay hey
Nae yeope
hamkke isseojwo
Yeongwonhi gyesok
igose stay hey
Ne jageun saekkison

- Friends by BTS (Jimin and V)

"Morning." Taeyong said as Doyoung sat up softly, rubbing his eyes.

The older was shirtless and sitting against the headboard of the bed while reading a book.

It had been a week since the five new members of Neo Tech joined, but they still hadn't cleaned out the empty rooms yet so Doyoung was still in the two leaders' room for time being.

So for now, it had become routine for Doyoung to wake up and be met with Taeyong undressed on his top half while looking through or reading a piece of literature.

Still didn't mean he doesn't blush when looking at how fit the elder was.

"Good morning." He yawned as he looked around. "Where's Jaehyun?"

"Oh, he's going to be gone for a while for a mission in America."

Doyoung hummed in understanding and looked over at the window. He saw Sicheng walking around in the garden and got up quickly.

He walked down the stairs and put on shoes to go talk with the Chinese male.

The man had been ignoring him for the entire week and even the mafia could feel some tension between the two.

"Sicheng!" He called out as he ran to the male.

The said man scoffed as he looked at his ex-partner.

"What do you want?" He asked, his tone coming out more as a judging statement than a question.

"I, I think we should talk."

Sicheng turned around and continued plucking fruits in the garden and putting it in his basket. "There's nothing for us to talk about hyung. You knew. That's all there is to it."

"No, you should know why."

"I don't care why hyung! I always trusted you, and you led a mission for me to get a life sentence!"

Doyoung pointed at himself. "Well what about me? We were partners for so long and we always had each other's backs!"

"You disappear for years and the first thing I hear back is that you're suddenly killing people? After we both promised to protect people? I felt betrayed Sicheng!"

The younger scoffed. "And I didn't? When you decided to start that mission? Things might be great now but I got my heart broken by Yuta once because of this whole thing!"

"You knew! He was your partner too and he told you didn't he? You knew it was all for a mission and that I was falling in love. And you still let it happen. Did our friendship never mean anything?"

Doyoung looked at the Chinese male softly. "I was never going to turn you in." He whispered.

"Why do you think I let the mission be dragged out for so long?" He said as his voice started getting louder.

"We both felt betrayed by each other okay? You think when I saw that photo of you on our suspect list I didn't know immediately who you were?"

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