bad feeling

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Error's P.O.V
Its been a very good couple of months which I was thankful for but, I keep feeling this happiness won't last. Me and Ink are doing excellent in our classes as we both have been getting "above expectation" comments on our homework and tests. My teachers that I have for class seem impressed by how well i'm doing which is giving me confidence. One of my classes teaches self defense upon my older brother's request which was fine by me and ink has shown interest in joining the class as well. At first it was a bit weird but, I liked it.

Ink was showing more emotions as the months went on which made me more confident. Instead of having blank moments he expressed his emotions openly and I hope he keeps doing that as it will make it easier to ask him a question when I become fully confident but, school comes first as jobs aren't as open for people like me and him. I can't handle interactions for longer then a few minutes and ink tends to become emotionless around people as well but seems to enjoy drawing and doing stuff for kids that are upset. Ink seems to like interaction with kids that have been left out from an activity and tends to drag me into it too. I did well around these kids too as long as they didn't touch me and unlike their parents or guardians they aren't afraid of me. When the parents or guardians start approuching to confront me I act on instinct and gently tug on ink's arm to signal that I needed to leave.

Most times ink followed but, occasinally he would ask me to stay close so he could explain things so the parents and guardians didn't think I was some creeper that was just trying to trick kids to hurt them or something and that I was just trying to cheer them up. Unfortunetly not many of these guardians and parents were open minded however a couple of them understood and let the kids stay near as they tried to calm the crowd. It was nice to see a few were willing to defend us but, I also didn't want them booted from the park or hated upon so I would thank them and then start to leave and ink would follow. They didn't stop us and when I glanced back they would look upset but, also understanding.

My soul hurt every time I saw that and when out of range I would let the tears fall. No matter where I go or what I do there always seems to be people who will try to make me feel like dirt and insignificant just like most of my 'family' but, to a lesser extent. I don't wish to give up as I still had my brother and ink to help me through my self doubt episodes but, even with them helping there are times when those nasty words my 'family' have used during their drunken states would pop into my head and it was just too much to handle so I would hurt myself by punching the weighted bag in the excercise room with no gloves causing my knuckles to bleed and after I was done I wrapped them up with guaze and tape and put the weighted bag away after cleaning it. It was better then hurting another person or animal.

Currently me and Ink were on our way to get some groceries for the house but, out of nowhere this sense of anger ran off Ink like a cloud and when I looked to see what caused the sudden shift there right in front of us were the bullies that had pushed me down the stairs and beat me but, this time they were kicking a defenseless dog around who was protecting a litter of puppies. beside me ink got out his massive paintbrush and with one fell sweep of it the bullies were scattered as a very angered ink stood before the dog and her pups protectively almost as if daring the bullies to come forward to hurt the family more. Seeing Ink like this scared me greatly as in his angered state his fingers appeared sharper and his canine teeth were clearly sharp. Ink took on a predatory position and I knew I had to go to him and try calming him before he took something that can't be replaced, taking the lives of four people who despite my own anger i did not wish death on them as that would just give more proof I was a evil monster.

I held Ink back which proved rather difficult as his strength seemed to have increased somehow as I tried telling the enemy to get out of this area and they obeyed without a word. Ink on the other hand still seemed anger fueled as he tried lashing out only to be held back again. Everything I tried to calm him down to a decent level was basically in vain however there was one that I hadn't used as it would be akward for us both but, I decided that this was a desperate act as my strength was failing me and with one steadying breath I kissed him on the cheek. Ink stood stiff then slowly relaxed and kissed my cheek back as his anger left him. we stayed like that for a few seconds and then the whine of the dog snapped us out of it and our minds kicked into gear as we took both the pups and the injured dog to the nearest vet and explained the situation.

The vet thanked us and after checking over the dog seemed somewhat relieved and explained that if we hadn't of rescued the dogs when we did  they wouldn't of made it but, we had changed that chance to a positive recovery percentage as long as the dogs didn't have any complications or lingering effects. Knowing this made us happy and that bad feeling from before had left. Maybe this dog and pups were a sign but, I wasn't sure of what. As some say "a pet brings out the better in us."

Hurting Soul (Ink X Depressed!Error)Where stories live. Discover now