Chained Beast?

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*Error's thoughts*

What is wrong with me!? Why can't I get rid of this nightmare that keeps tormenting me? I've been away from my abusive family for a while now and yet this pitch black dragon seems to be representing my inner demons. What still has a hold on me that this dragon creature is feeding off of. My abusive family is locked up and as far as I know my brother is safe. Ink seems to be comfortable around me and things are starting to look up so why must I suffer this nightmare that seems to have grabbed hold and won't let go?

Error's P.O.V

It was jarring coming out of my inner thought process at first as I had forgotten that I was currently in my room however I was unsure how long I've been in my room though I could tell it had to have been a while as there was a plate of food on the nightstand and had a note under it. When I got up to check it out I had ended up tripping over my own slippers but, luckily my floor was carpeted so I didn't end up hitting my knees hard on the ground which I had been thankful for as I couldn't afford getting them banged up right now as I had to do a endurance test in a day or so.

It was nice being able to get schooling and actually enjoy it a little more knowing I didn't have to worry about being beat until I was unconscious and bloody if I happened to get one slightly bad grade on an assignment. My brother though traveling sent letters on a weekly basis and toriel helped me or ink if we didn't understand something on our assignment the best she could. Surprisingly she was excellent at math and environmental science though math was the main one I struggled with.

On a different note going back to the nightmare I relized the dragon had eyes as red as blood as well as its claws and various other parts of its body and what appeared to be a collar around its neck which was connected to an unseen wall in the darkness which could mean it could actually be my inner beast. If that is the case I had to make sure that collar never broke.

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