Error's guilt

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(disclaimer: a panic attack will be in this)

Error's thoughts:

Why did you get in the way you dummy? that bullet was meant for me.. I can't heal you and I can't do much except stem the bleeding.

3rd person P.O.V:
Error had sewed up the injury with a temporary set of thread and called over help. he was shaking but managed to keep himself calm even when he was coaxed away from Ink so the medical team had enough space to check over his stats and condition then put him in the ambulance. Error was teamed up with a officer who followed behind while Error's parents and their friends once again were sent to jail but this time it was maximum security and no chance of bail.

That should of cheered him up but, it didn't. Ever sense the stunt Ink pulled in school he has been hurt every time he protected Error and in doing so what Error's parents said made him actually feel it was his fault. To him everything was his fault even if he wasn't anywhere near the incident when it happened. Error's guilt was strong and his mental state was rocky at best so when the officer looked towards him he felt he was going to be yelled at right in the car but, what was really happening was the officer trying to calm him and talk to him as a panic attack had taken hold without error realizing it. What error heard however was not reassurence he heard taunts from his past. His parents, their friends and the students voices screaming "freak show, useless and its your fault" over and over again.

Everything went black as he became short of breath and all he heard before unconsciousness took hold was muffled words, sirens, shoes running and a door slamming open then silence. About two days had past sense the panic attack before error came to. He knew where he was and remembered everything and as he searched his room flowers, cards and balloons were around and so was the nightstand next to him for the other occupant which was not there at the moment. Behind him he heard a very familiar voice that he hadn't heard in several years singing his favorite song quietly. When he turned around he nearly cried as his older brother was on the chair stationed at his bedside. With no delays he managed to get to him and hugged him tightly letting tears fall with no shame as his brother did the same.

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